2018 Exiges.com Track Day

Or there is the option of a LOT day at Hethel on 7/4/18

OOooo like that idea Dave; I’m only 25 minutes from Hethel :wink:

Paul advised me that we’d struggle with noise at Hethel.

Ben can you elaborate on that as there has not been a noise problem for lotuses there in the past ?

“Hethel – no chance with the noise unfortunately and also not big enough car wise” was what he said to me.

Hethel is listed as 105db static & 95db drive by 20m.

I took the view that we need :

  1. Somewhere big enough to contain us (it’s always over-subscribed).
  2. At a weekend in the spring.
  3. Noise won’t be an issue.

That’s how we got to the x3 choices I presented.

Its always hard trying to reach consensus across such a disparate group, that’s why I put it to a vote and tried to narrow down the options.

From the survey, everyone seems to love Anglesey. The inconvenience of getting there (for the majority) is made up for by the scenic journey, the circuit, familiar accommodation choices etc.

As soon as I have further detail about Anglesey, I’ll post. We’ll need to make a decision quickly to go/no-go if we want an exiges.com exclusive in Spring 2018.

Please post further/other thoughts on this thread…

Thanks for your fast response and all the leg work you have done Ben.

It’s in my diary.


I have no issues with any of the above,
However my car with the bigger SC is now well over 400 bhp and I don’t fail noise tests at 105 db days.
But going to Anglesey is great as I love the circuit
My real issue is with the Bookatrack business model
You put a lot of effort into the day which 99% guarantees a full day, But Bookatrack have traditionally charged extra for 2nd drivers, passengers and the use of a garage.
Not too bad if two people are sharing a car, but does that actually increase the cost of the day? I doubt it very much and two drivers are still using the one car
Its people like John I feel sorry for, I always offer him the chance of a few laps driving (he normally does 4-5 laps) but at last years additional £50.00 he said bollocks to that…
Im sure you can see where im coming from…
This is in no way a dig at you, Yet again you have taken on a thankless task, thank you very much.
I will await the costings on the day before I decide if my first TD for 2018 will be Anglesey or Hethel

Yes I know this is an issue, and it’s one that I’m already trying to resolve. My only bargaining power however, is the precedent of having historically filled the day. BaT give us a club-exclusive date based on faith that we’ll fill it, but without any surety or guarantee that we will.

Their business model is exactly that; their business model. I do my best to secure us a good deal but I’m a bit toothless as I’m not able to make any kind of commitment. I’m sure if someone asked you for a volume-discount for a group-buy without any actual commitment to that volume you may be somewhat hesitant.

Yes we could go to another TDO and I’ve looked at that. The only option we could come up with that met the criteria I described looked to be a Rockingham date and that did not seem popular from the survey.

I put the effort in because I like to put something back into the community that’s delivered me so many good times and friendships in the last 14years. I honestly hope that we can do enough to fill the day and get all the regulars and some fresh faces present.

I thought John got signed on gratis by one of the BaT Platinum members last year (they can sign on a guest as a perk of giving Jonny $$$ for their annual membership). If not he should have done!

Splitting hairs, it could have been the year before.
As for not filling the day
That’s never happened has it.
Any way it will be what it is but for me the day is great, the business model a piss take
Have a fantastic time all
I will most likely not bother this year


“Their business model is exactly that; their business model. I do my best to secure us a good deal but I’m a bit toothless as I’m not able to make any kind of commitment. I’m sure if someone asked you for a volume-discount for a group-buy without any actual commitment to that volume you may be somewhat hesitant.”

I’d of thought the last ‘X’ amount years going with bookatrack was enough of a commitment from us to command/negotiate a bit of gratis from them, I’m pretty sure if Dave had a group buy going every year for the past 8-10 years he wouldn’t hesitate in committing to that group the next year in the way you are suggesting. Everyone who has committed to the exiges day and bookatrack over the years should be gold members for the day… free pax/second drivers and garages to sort amongst us, this shouldn’t just be for the select few.

For me, it doesn’t matter which track we all congregate at, the social side of it will be the same and as good as anywhere else. I do like Anglesey but its becoming a bit too much every year ( and why you only see me every other year). For me ( and I have siad for the last couple of years), we need to mix it up a bit more. So many good tracks in the UK and not enough time to do them all so going to the same place every year just becomes more of the same over and over again. I don’t recall one years events from the other… wa sthatq last year! The year before, or the year before that…

Many Loti struggled with 98dB noise at Donny on Friday, flipping wind.

Great stuff Ben. :clap:

Considering how much most of us spend on ‘improvements’ to our great Loti, I really don’t think that in context, paying £50.00 extra for an additional driver is a lot to ask…

I know I would gladly pay £50 to be an additional driver for anyone on here!!! I know I would burn up more than £50 on petrol and tyres!! :laughing:

Any offers please! :smiley:

Mine didnt

Unless we all get behind an event it won’t work. It certainly can’t get to the point where exigers feel they have to pick one event over another.

I perhaps made a few wrong assumptions :

  1. we may consider a smaller venue
  2. we may take a chance on noise
  3. garage/2nd-driver fees are a show-stopper for some

Here’s what we’ll do. I’ll get all the details for cost/bundle/noise/date/numbers for two options; Anglesey with BaT and Hethel with LoT and put it to another vote/discussion.

I’ve no agenda here other than to pull together an event we can all enjoy.

Please don’t do any thing on my account.
Happy with your organisation, venue, noise etc etc.
Just the actual all up costs, I know that some will think that’s a bit hypocritical when I use a mega expensive car for trackdays, but that’s how I fee, sorryl…

Rather impressively it did not!


Having looked at the amazing ‘North Coast 500’ thread… how about some lateral thinking for a 3-4 day Exiges.com trip up and around somewhere? Like Bonny Scotland, Wales, Yorkshire Dales, Lake District, the South West etc etc…

Sure, not nutting it around a track… again, but rather enjoying an ‘event’ away with like minded ‘Exigers’… (with the obvious note that there may well be a few ‘Elise’ drivers attending!). Great roads, scenery, comradery, food, wine, women, speed!

I know LDC do such events… perhaps we should consider something similar?

Cheers guys,


As most S2 owners know a half decent exhaust and 260hp means a fail on drive by at Donny, the fact the S3 is quieter is a nice achievement to Lotus and you Dave
I for one will go to any Exiges track day that I can make date wise, purely because it is the best day of the year for company and driving standards. It was the only day I managed to do last year but well worth the 325 mile drive each way