2018 Exiges.com Track Day

Every year we have an exiges.com trackday. It’s an event that many of us look forward to, catching up with friends and enjoying using our cars in their natural habitat. If you’re new to the community, it really is an event to try and get to and you’ll be made to feel more than welcome.

As many of you know, we can’t secure our the usual venue of Anglesey on Good Friday.

I’ve been exploring a number of options. It needs to be a weekend date in the spring at a reasonable sized circuit where we won’t get in trouble with noise.

We have x3 options :

1) Anglesey : Easter Monday (2nd April)
2) Spa Francorchamps : end of March
3) Rockingham : March/April date tbc

The Anglesey date could create logistical challenges for some as it would mean travelling on Easter Sunday. Other than that I’d hope that the usual formula could apply albeit shifted to the other end of Easter Weekend. Many of us have historically taken a day off on Thu to travel and then stay two nights. For those wanting to do same, the day off moves to the Tue to accommodate post-track-day beers on the Mon night.

Spa is truly epic. This would not be an exiges.com exclusive but everything about Spa is on such a grand scale it would not matter. I would try and secure a preferred hotel rate and a vehicle-transport option. One year we MUST go to Spa, is 2018 the year?

Rockingham is the least formulated plan but I’m putting it out there as an option to think about.

We’re gonna have to move fast so can I ask you to fill in the quick survey below. Just do it based on your current feeling as I know the details are currently a bit sketchy.

Click to take the survey

Quick off the mark here, Ben.
Thanks for all your efforts.
I’d favour Spa as I’ve never been there, but also have a Folembray LoT/Nyloc trip fixed and possible outing to Hockenheim for the Jim Clark weekend so cost of Spa outing might have a bearing on my decision.

Anglesey or Rockingham
If Spa Im out

Date is more important for me so that i can bring the family and make the whole trip into a holiday.
Anglesey has worked out great for this so is my preference on the above options.
Just a thought, but what about Croft if the others are not possible?

Thanks guys. It’s hard I know without firm dates but the TDO’s are only just firming up their calendars.

If you’ve not already, please complete the survey. I’ll post results at the weekend.

Click to take the survey

Ben, thanks for putting in the effort, I have done the survey, I will do my utmost to make any day regardless as it is the track day of the year for me.

Spa is an Epic track! EPIC!

Having driven Spa, all other UK tracks seem ‘boring’… except perhaps Anglesey!

Ben mate, I would keep it historical, keep it at Anglesey. A great track, laid back location, good food, pubs and accommodation options. Plus it’s ‘easy’ access for most peeps.

Spa IS a totally a MUST visit if you have an Exige. But for the ‘annual’ Exiges TD, I would say no.

Keep it on the ‘island’! :>)



Have you been on the tonic again? You make sense and that’s worrying!!!

Thanks for doing this Ben. I’d like to see all of you at Anglesey. I need to check my rota for next year against these dates…

Done the survey thanks Ben :thumbup:

Cheers Ben - good work.

For me the real beauty of the Anglesey TD is that so many of us regularly get to go. If it moved to Spa, as great as that circuit really is, I just don’t think anywhere near the numbers of people could make it.

Rockingham is a handy location, but nowhere near as thrilling as Anglesey.

Sorry mate - just my two pence worth


Thanks for organizing this Ben, I know you are very busy. Spa can’t work for me but the other two can. Rockingham at Easter is fun if its cold and wet, " it’s more slippery than a bucket of eels in olive oil" - to quote the instructor. It does have the added attraction of a skid pan which is great, especially in a Lotus, I managed most of the length of the pan sideways. These days it has a decent cafe in place of the burger van.


I’m content with my response to the survey but I think there is a lot to be said in favour of Anglesey.
It is a great venue for most people although it involves a few mammoth drives for some (unless you live close at hand) which can be an event in itself.
I can do Spa at a time and date that suits me in the future so I think we should keep the exiges.com “ family” together and go for Anglesey again

Anglesey… every time.

Thanks Ben.


Thanks Ben,

Survey done.

Anglesey for me this time, although an exiges trip to Spa would be epic :smiley:

Thanks Ben. I’m easy if, available I’m there.

Thanks for contributing guys! I’ll do a roundup of the survey and comments from there and this thread at the weekend. In the meantime,…if you’ve not already,…please spare 60seconds to :

Click to take the survey

Can’t commit to Spa, Rockingham would make a lot of logistic sense, but Anglesey for me when you factor in the social side.

We would be happy with any date or venue! Unfortunately I don’t think the car will be ready in time, have given darren an end of April deadline to get the car ready.

Right so we’ve had 35 responses to the survey.

The direction looks pretty clear in terms of yes/maybe/no :

Anglesey : 21/9/5
Spa : 10/10/15
Rockingham : 12/10/13

75% put Anglesey as their first choice.

**Given this I’m trying to negotiate a deal for us for Anglesey on Easter Monday.

Pencil it in your diaries and I should have more information this week :thumbup:**

To answer the questions raised on the survey :

  • Spectators are always welcome, its a fantastic drive across Snowdonia and the craic is always good!

Other venues like Cadwell, Croft and Oulton have issues with noise.

I contacted both LoT and BookaTrack but the Anglesey Easter Monday date is with BookaTrack

I for one am excited about the prospect of another fantastic exiges.com event at Anglesey :sunglasses:

Watch this space for more news…