2007 Lotus 2-Eleven

Croft time baby!

First trackday since Spa which feels like a lifetime ago, it’s probably the biggest gap I’ve had between trackdays outside of the Winter months since ever!

Since Spa the brake setup had remained the same, with the big discs all around and the road intended RS42 Pagid pads in the rear to keep the balance drivable. I would be karting along a set of 288 (OE size) discs and hardware to allow me to try downsizing at the rear as another experiment.

Also since Spa, I had spent what felt like hundreds of hours cleaning CV grease out of the engine bay, and I had upsized the supercharger pulley from 2.9" to 3.0". This would drop my maximum boost and hence power in my ‘race mode’ map, but hopefully drop IATs in both maps. With my ultimate power potential now a bit lower (I calculate around 15bhp down in the race mode map) I now feel brave enough to run it all day on the track, so really I am up on power compared to the rest of this year where I was timidly sat in the lower powered road map.

15bhp (and the associated torque) doesn’t sound like much, but when you’re right on the bubble for the accepted limits of the gearbox - it’s a nice fluffy safety blanket.

The trackday was with Circuitdays, I think my first ever one. Some serious kit in attendance but a really good blend up and down the pitlane. From the trackday classics such as the Clio and the MX5 up to high end GT Porsches, race cars and everything in between. Special mention out to a pair of BMW cars, no idea what spec - but they were liveried up and seriously fast.

Sighting laps and first session underway, steady away really - reminding myself what the car felt like and where the track goes. Nothing exciting to report.

I was keeping half an eye on IATs, but just convinced myself to ignore them and review in the logs later. It can be misleading to watch stuff like that real time.

My passenger for the day would be short lived. Not literally, he didn’t die - but he did forget his travel sickness pills so that was that :slight_smile:

Brakes felt good, still the very occasional wobble at the rear as it locked up (or tried to lock up, triggering ABS) so the bias I think was still a smidge too far back, but it was certainly driveable and would have happily kept going all day. External witnesses reported that my braking was inconsistent though, sometimes braking way too early, sometimes very aggressively deep into corners which apparently made following me quite interesting. Perhaps I was second guessing the brakes more than I realised from within the cockpit.

Slowly built up speed through the morning, felt like I was a fair bit off the potential of the car but I was enjoying it having a fair bit of mixed-pace traffic meant a slightly different vibe to the usual LoT day. It was fun, even if clear/flowing laps were rare.

A few of the NYLOC gang came out wielding cameras, so thanks PT and Mark for your content. Complemented the Circuitdays photography nicely.

Circuitdays photographer didn’t seem to like the back of my car, luckily Paul stepped up.

Car felt really strong in the complex, and through the awkward Hawthorn into the chicane. The quicker stuff I felt like it struggled more than usual, wasn’t getting the bite from the front end that I’d been accustomed to in this car. You could normally just flick the wheel at almost any speed and the nose would dart in, but at Croft I had to ease it in, wait for it to connect and then load her up. Initially I just put this down to the ageing AR1 possibly being past their best… I’ve had them well over a year now, and they even did a few trackdays on my Exige too before transferring them.

After I got home, it dawned on me that we’d made a damper change at Spa in a desperate attempt to stop the rears locking. I stiffened the crap out of the front to try and stop it diving on the brakes, and in hindsight I’m not sure I ever reverted that! At time of writing I haven’t checked yet, as car is still in the trailer - but it’s something I’ll definitely check for.

In any case, it didn’t seem to spoil my day - and in all honesty taking a steady line through the faster stuff wasn’t all that upsetting - it’s scary when you’re on full attack through there anyway!!

At some time around midmorning I ran into Circuitdays Instructor, fellow 2-Eleven owner and PH poster Steve. Nice to meet you, I’ll make CD a bigger part of my TD calendar in future and definitely try to get some time booked in with you. I’ve really missed tuition since getting the 2-Eleven but it sounds like you have a system that we could adapt, and get some value out of it.

At lunch time I really wasn’t motivated to swap the rear discs over as I’d intended. The car was driving ‘fine’ and I was feeling pretty knackered from the morning excercise. Luckily though, I found somebody who WAS motivated, in stepped John from @seriouslylotus to kindly lend some tools, and hands, and expertise to get things swapped over sharpish.

The AP 2 pot calipers were fitted with spacers and longer bolts to allow for the large discs, so all we had to do there was drop the spacers out and refit the original bolts. The handbrake caliper though would remain offset by too much, so is effectively hanging off the disc now. This can be fixed if I commit to this route full time by modifications to the bracket, but in the meantime it would still function just fine.

I wanted to go straight in and refit the aggressive pads to the rears, but I was talked out of it. Keep the RS42 in and change as few variables as possible.

Going out after lunch the car immediately felt more comforting on the brakes. No question it had lost some all-out stopping power, but I seemed to gain a load of feel through the pedal when braking on the limit which was lost before. The power assisted, ABS brakes in the S2 platform have never been known for their pedal feel compared to the unassisted setup in the S1/Rover cars - but I’d been missing a bit of feedback without realising.

I’m not sure why this is, maybe because the stopping power is slightly less intense now and I have a bit more time to compute what is happening, or maybe because the balance is now thrown forward enough that it’s the fronts reaching their limits first and the front circuit provided better feedback? Really don’t know, but it felt better.

The next logical step is to put the aggressive pad back in the back so I’m matching compounds - but that’s a job for the next trackday I think, I want to get used to my new baseline for now.

The afternoon continued being fun, didn’t really feel like I was picking up any pace and started stagnating. The red flags didn’t help, we seemed to have 5 or 6 within a couple of hours and always seemed to be as I was starting a session - but still got plenty of laps squeezed in.

Very late in the day a chap wandered up and asked for a passenger ride, to which I of course obliged. After getting him strapped in and out on track, the car felt really good for some reason. Normally you can really feel the penalty of a passenger in this car, but for whatever reason the stars aligned, we got nice flowing traffic and the car just felt great. Because of the sudden distraction of a passenger jumping in, I forgot to fire up the gopro but the ADU logs concur that it was my best, most consistent session by far. Very odd, as usually a passenger is worth a couple of seconds!

Eager to get out for one more ride solo, it dawned on me that I’d used the dregs of my fuel and that was me done for the day. I tried to sneak out for a couple of laps with Ishy (resident NYLOC driving instructor) but we barely made it round the outlap before the car cut out on a left hander.

Oh well, finished a bit early but the car finished without any niggles - pulled strong all day and we had some good science achieved on the brakes.

Rear tyres seem to be maximising their camber, and wear going down to the wear indicators. This may be because the front was too stiff after the Spa damper changes, but it may also mean I could benefit from a sliver more camber at the rear. Something to consider.

As for IATs, the logs showed a clear and consistent result of approx. 10C savings from stepping up a pulley size.

This is a snippet from a log from Donington earlier in the year, on 2.9":

And this is from Croft on 3.0":

Obviously different days, and different ambients - but the Donington IAT performance is consistent across all of my 2023 trackdays. Ambient has a very diminished effect on IATs when out on track IME, you need huge swings to see noticeable differences and it’s typically a case of heatsoaking the hardware when stationary which is the problem rather than on-the-move performance.

I’m not sure what this means yet. As a result of the lower temps, my ECU was only retarding 0.5 deg rather than the 1.0-1.5 it was pulling at Donny. Is that enough to reclaim the 15bhp we’ve dropped by lowering boost? No idea. But it feels good to be stressing the hardware a little less.

Oh, and I used ‘race mode’ all day and nowt’ blew up. That also felt good. Through capping my boost via DBW throttle in the road mode map, I’d been strangling the “vtec” lift gains more than I’d realised. A few times round Croft the car had really (pleasantly) surprised me once it was really singing. Felt great.

In terms of video, my ageing GoPro 6 has had a bit of a failure - the onboard GPS just doesn’t work anymore. It sounds like a non-issue, but it’s such a useful tool when buddied up with RaceRender software to just open up a clip, and instantly identify your ‘clear’ laps. You can turn a YT video round in minutes based on quickly picking out your quicker laps. Without it, you’re left trawling through an hour or two of footage to pick good bits out, and I just can’t be bothered anymore!

For that reason, I’ve just trimmed a full session and stuck that up.

Lotus 2-Eleven at Croft Circuit - YouTube

It was quite late in the day, I think it was the session just before the mythical passenger session that I did (and didn’t record). Not even watched it all myself yet, but from skimming through it seems a pretty fair representation of the day with regards to other cars on track.

Top day, not much to do on the car before the next one - but also quite a big gap in the calendar till’ my next one - so need to find something to do.



I love the fact you are driven by data.

I need to incorporate this.

Fantastic write up and a great insight.

Fascinating. Thanks for yet another top write up. Makes me want to get out on track again.

Fantastic update and loving the detail you clearly take a lot of time to write and share.

Great write up and great fun to share the track with you :ok_hand:t2:

Since Croft the car got wheeled onto the ramp, and didn’t move again until it was trailer time for Hethel.

In the downtime I made another rear brake iteration, by putting the performance friction pads back in the rear but retaining the smaller 288mm discs. I’d be taking the less aggressive pagid pads in the event I felt the rears were too keen once I got on track. As a reminder of my iterations to date:

308mm front/rear with PF08 front/rear at Spa: Far too biased to the rear, and very grabby
308mm front/rear with PF08 front and RS4-2 rear: Much more drivable, but a bit grabby occasionally still at the rear
308mm front/288mm rear with PF08 front and RS4-2 rear: More driveable again, but noticeable loss of bite

Whilst also poking around, I found my DIY archliner (roof flashing tape) had drooped on the driver side, just enough so that the tyre could pick up the tar-like substance (tar?) and fling it everywhere. I wonder if this contributed towards my occasional understeer in the car as the tyre edges were covered in it!

Luckily Mothers to the rescue.

Speaking of understeer, I also reset my dampers to service manual settings after cocking around with them at Spa to try and rescue the brakes.

I also tried some new shoes on whilst the car was up in the air. Pretty nice, a bit lighter than my 2-Eleven/240R wheels so these may find a spare set of tyres on them at some point even if I prefer the look of the 240Rs.

Cleaned up ready for action.

Next trackday would be Hethel, and photography is not really allowed here - so content will be limited unfortunately, but it was a belting day. First though you need to endure the drive there…

Best part of four hours, even with a quick pee break. Really hard work, but got to the Hotel in time for a beer and then the worst nights’ sleep on record.

(not so) Bright and early at the circuit and soon made a friend in the form of John and his 2010 2-Eleven. I think it’s the only other one I’ve seen at a UK trackday since I got mine.

Again, no photography or video so a quick summary of the day:

Car went great all day, another flawless day for reliability/performance

Without cameras and stuff like that to distract me, I got my head down and took some notes/observations about the car as I steadily built my speed up. The car has always had a small amount of turn-in understeer which I’ve found comforting, but I was curious to see if I could dial it out, and what impact that would have in other areas.

During my poor nights’ sleep I’d read a few blogs and found a good high level cheatsheet here: Understeer and Oversteer - How to Remove - Suspension Secrets

To cut a long story short, over 3 or 4 sessions I ended up adding two clicks of rebound damping which really did tighten the front end up nicely. I struggled to understand the logic trackside, but in retrospect it makes sense that by limiting the rebound ‘return rate’ was slowing the weight transfer that move rearward as I transition back onto power at corner entry. I did try going further than this, but felt that was coming at a cost of a slightly looser rear when transitioning from brake to neutral through the slower hairpin corners.

In fact, I spent a bit of time playing with the compression damping at the rear to try to remedy that but that was still a bit inconclusive. I found I was taking away the gains I’d made at the front, and ultimately having a bit of rotation mid corner at a hairpin works well for me anyway.

It was an enjoyable experience, and I was really seeing a strong correlation between the theory and my experience on track. I think there’s a lot of information out there which can be very confusing and sometimes sound contradictory because people interchange terms like stiffer, slower, harder, faster, damping a lot - and you can tie yourselves in knots and actually interpret something backwards.

I also dabbled with tyre pressures a bit, lowering a couple of pounds at the rear did help me a bit in the hairpins but it was much less obvious than the damper tweaks.

As for the brakes, they were the best iteration I’ve had since putting the larger kit on. Putting the aggressive pads back in the back gave me back some bite that I’d lost with the pagids in. I had a bit of side to side instability early on, but I just put this down to bedding in yet another disc/pad combo.

I had a couple of issues braking into the chicane towards the end of the Mansell straight. It’s a very fast straight, almost 140mph in the 2-Eleven which is quite a feat for this brick but the track kinks slightly left in the braking zone (easily countered once you figure out to just drive down the centre of the track, and only aim towards the outside in a straight line under braking) but there’s also a change in tarmac right in the braking zone. A couple of times this triggered my ABS to crap its pants a bit, giving me a hard pedal and massively reduced braking power. Not like the cycling pumping of regular ABS intervention.

I think people refer to this as “ice mode”, and I have to say it’s not really something that’s bothered me across any of my Lotus to date. Time will tell as to whether this is another symptom of changing the braking setup, or whether it was just track/corner specific.

It was easily driven around though, maybe I left a bit on the table after experiencing it for the first time - but it didn’t really bother me despite being quite unnerving the first time it happened! It felt like releasing pedal for a fraction of a second and re-applying immediately would get me hauling up again.

As good as the brakes were, they did seem to be making me ill - so I had an extended lunch break trying to find some medication.

Afternoon progressed without drama, just steadily built up speed and really enjoyed just finding a groove and pounding round. Hethel is still a bit of a weird track for me, I could really benefit from some tuition here but… well, 2-Eleven isn’t really too suited for that unfortunately.

Car after my tweaks felt a lot more assertive when turning in. During faster turns the rear end is as solid as you like, but retains that bit of rotation through the slower stuff on demand. Looking forward to getting back to some familiar turf to try my tweaks there, and see whether there’s measurable difference on a circuit that I feel like I “know” properly.

After playing pesticide for the day, I called it and prepared myself for the long trek home.

Oulton Park next towards the end of October.


Excellent write up as always!

Thank you for sharing the brake disc and pad experience.

In not to pleased with 308/288 and rs42. As I have an AP valve mounted I might give the 308 all around a try and limit the rear brake line.

Car is obviously heavier then your 211.

You know your brakes are good when they make you feel sick!

Great read. Bit surprised you needed Stugeron! First time or do you get car sick as a passenger(unlikely with me🙄)?

Yeah passenger laps are an absolute no go for me. I’m terrible.

Even passenger in a road car I struggle!

Till recently driving on track has been fine but something about Hethel and to a lesser extent Croft had me feeling a little uncomfortable…

Who are you doing Oulton with? I’ve never been before and am very tempted…

LoT. Be great if you join us :+1:

Oulton Update

Day started well as I fell off my trailer ramp unloading the car into a wet and miserable paddock.

As it’s October of another busy year, the splitter was looking tatty anyway so a quick repair job to see the season out and we’re on our way!

It was raining a bit for the sighting laps but we never got another drop after that. The track took an age to dry though, which meant for a slippy slidy morning session.

Was a pretty cool day, because for the first time the three Lotuses that I’ve owned would all be present at the same trackday. My Laser blue 111R, Laser blue Exige S and then of course the 2-Eleven. We hoped to get a good photo of them all flying in formation but it didn’t really work out.

I was on the AR1 tyres but had some AD08 in the trailer. As the track was just damp, I stuck with the AR1 and I was pleasantly surprised. Had loads of grip in the nose of the car and traction seemed ample… until suddenly it wasn’t.

Did my first lap at what I thought was a fairly steady pace, then about half way into the second one I lost the rear of the car quite badly in the Britten’s chicane. I don’t mind the car moving around on a wet day, and have thoroughly enjoyed my last few Anglesey’s in monsoon conditions but this caught me completely by surprise and had to flail around to catch it in the most undignified way.

Back in for a breather, checked pressures and bolts and stuff like that and then went back out, desperately trying to build back up but feeling like I had no trust in when the grip would be there, and when it would not.

I quite enjoyed the morning, but I was easily one of the slowest cars on track. Just couldn’t find a groove but I had a bit of fun chucking it into the chicanes and spent a lot of time working on my braking technique.

My recent habit of bias troubles and ABS drama encouraged me in the damp to be really progressive on the brakes rather than just stomping the bulkhead, and it quickly started to pay off.

Just before lunch, the faintest dry line was appearing and it looked promising for a dry afternoon.

First PM session was probably 70% dry and I quickly started piling on the speed. The mobile chicane I’d been driving in the morning quickly started becoming the hunter and as I leaned on the tyres more and more, the car responded and grew into the day nicely.

I did 3 or 4 sessions in the afternoon and they just got progressively quicker and quicker, I continued my braking technique from the morning and this was really paying dividends now. No ABS triggering at all, nice bit of rotation on entry when trailbraking and the stopping power was immense. Up near 1.65/1.7 G according to my dash which when achieved consistently represented a personal best.

Some time during the day I met and spoke to a previous owner of my 2-Eleven which was nice. Told me some tales to go with the many photos I have stored from previous ownerships, and filled in a few blanks too. Nice to meet you Simon.

Final session was an absolute belter, track was fairly empty and got a fair few clear laps in, building up and up and the car just kept giving and giving. Didn’t touch my damper settings from Hethel but happy to say they weren’t a fluke, and that the car felt mega in the dry here too. I had one complaint creeping in on this final session, I’m not sure if it was my imagination but my clutch pedal felt like it was a bit slower to come up after a gear change. It wasn’t impacting the drive, but it was just an odd sensation under foot. I need to investigate. Oh, and I had one instance of ABS ice mode braking gently into druids.

I also had a passenger in for this session, and there’s definitely nothing more to be said about that.

Based on my last experience out here in my Exige, I made pretty good advances in the first sector of the lap. T1, Cascades and Island Bend all significantly quicker (13kph quicker minimum speed in some corners) and my confidence on the brakes into the hairpin allowed for some real gains here. The generous camber of the banked corner goading me in, and rewarding with plenty of stability and no drama.

Around Druids I was still a bit tentative, I think I was second guessing the grip level at that end of the circuit, the blind (and very fast) corner leading into it was giving me cause for caution, but the net result was coming away feeling like I’d learned loads about the track in the last couple of hours - and pretty excited to get back there. I don’t do Oulton as often as I’d like.

The only real mechanical/reliability issue was once again… GoPros. I had a brand new one on for today, GoPro Hero 10 rigged up with the media mod case and my external microphone setup, all tested nicely beforehand - but for some reason the battery just kept dropping from 100% to zero, then wouldn’t take on any charge for ages.

Pic from a quick test at Hethel, though filming wasn’t allowed here so couldn’t use it in anger.

Really annoyed, GoPro support have had me do a manual firmware update which I was sceptical about, but in the days since the battery seems to be holding OK… so maybe. I do have the camera wired in whilst driving, so for my next outing I may try it without the battery completely and rely on the 12v from the car giving it juice.

Last session particularly would have been great footage so I’m pretty miffed - but if that’s the only thing I broke, I won’t cry too much.


Great read as always. That car just looks like it’s so much fun on track.

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Superb write up.

Whats your thoughts on the skittish behavoir in the cold/wet? Just a geo setup that doesnt work until dry?

Did you do any logging on the smaller pulley?

Actually I think the car was pretty grippy in the damp… Just right up until it wasn’t! Maybe lack of circuit experience, or just a confidence thing as it seemed every time I stood on the pitwall to watch, a car crushed into the wall :confused:

Maybe there’s an argument to sacrifice some of my front end grip in the wet, because the turnin was fantastic but it left me a bit unsure of whether the rear would follow. Really minor stuff, the proper fix is just some bigger 'nads.

(Larger) pulley has been on since Spa now and logging each time. Sacrificed around 10kpa manifold pressure and gained(lost) 10 degrees of IAT fairly consistently but there’s still a point (around the 20minute mark) of lapping where the temps break out of their holding pattern and start rising again so I think the system is still heatsoaking a bit if I decide to do a longer session.

If you find somewhere to buy them, I’ll get a set at the same time mate - my confidence in the wet is not great…

So not a problem on the road and not really a major consideration on track.

Any idea what the root cause of it is? Larger ( thicker ?! ) rad? Better pump? Bigger water to air exchanger? Or just a bigger charger?

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Yeah it’s really not a problem, my usual stint lengths are fine and you’d never ever notice it on the road.

The plumbing route is slightly longer in the 2-Eleven compared to Exige and the flow rate anecdotally feels weak, so I think I’ll swap a stronger pump in over winter and see how that gets on, but really there’s no “problem” as such for an average trackday, and I don’t plan on endurance racing any time soon!