01 JUN 24 Exiges.com meet - The Motorist


Welcome to the forum :+1:
Absolute pleasure to meet you and enjoyed our ramblings over a coffee.

You have a list of to-dos now, don’t forget to ask questions here and update us with progress.

I counted 11x Exige before I’m left around 2:30.


Hi all

Great to meet you all, thanks Andy for organising. The venue was superb will make sure I visit again.

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So glad You had a good turn out.

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I wont lie, I was a little nervous there was going to be @johnfishcurtis and myself but we had a good few cars!


I was concerned @andybond was going to be there but luckily I managed to avoid him by talking to other Exige members :wink:

And why was I the only one supporting the club with an Exiges.com sun strip

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Savage! :slight_smile:

I had an exiges.com key fob and window sticker.

Sun strip will be fitted when I get my windscreen repaired!

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Looks like you guys had fun! Maybe next year I make it a roadtrip and join.

That would be fantastic @Emiel !

Or a track event?!

Yes had my eye on Angelsey exiges day just around covid lockdowns. That would be better!

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