01 JUN 24 Exiges.com meet - The Motorist

Just no commitment from some people Thommo :wink:

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Sorry to be missing this, but off on the NC500.

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I will, however, be thrashing across Europe in the yellow flyer with Nyloc. Getting excited now. Leaving Thursday via Hull. You can wave us off🤔


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I was on that ferry!


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19 degrees and no rain predicted.

Are you attending?

Have been monitoring the weather and its looking good.

100% attending but please don’t laugh if the car stalls, it’s an problem I’m trying to solve.

I will never mock another exige owner. I know these things test us at times.

Likewise if I come through the car park at 48mph and my speedo says I am doing 10mph that’s my story and I am sticking to it



Thats our parking area for tomorrow folks. There will be us ( exiges.com ) and my friends from RSTuning.co.uk

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Slight disaster hiccup checking the car over earlier. The oil leak I thought was fixed has come back with a vengeance so don’t think I can risk bringing the Exige :man_facepalming:

I will still come along but will be in the Other Car :it: I can park out the way so as not to spoil any photo opportunities :smiley:

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Service done…

Toe links done…

Geo done…

Even managed a bucket of water and wipe down…

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Plus it’s in the fastest colour

What time do we need to be there??

0900 latest :see_no_evil:

Crikey, mine defo won’t be clean. Few cobwebs too probably.

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Alarm set for 6.30am :sleeping:


Great to say hello to new faces.

Hope to see you all again soon

@johnfishcurtis - promise fulfilled!

Great to meet a few new fellow Exige owners. Hopefully I’ll bump into a few of you around again soon enough! No picture from today, but I am frequently at the Motorist.

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