Zandvoort Trackday (13/10/06)

Guys just to let you know that we have booked the wonderful Zandvoort circuit in Holland again. For anyone who has never been this is one of the best Exige circuits there is, I’m sure AndyD will agree.

Full details on Lotus On Track
Cost is �135 for an open pitlane day there.

For anyone who isn’t a member we offer a discount on membership to Exiges members if they drop me a PM or email ([email protected]) beforehand.

It’s also very close to Amsterdam for a good night out

A number of people are planning to head to the Nurburgring afterwards which is open all day Sunday.

Zandvoort In-Car video.

I will be on this trip aswell as being at Spa on the Monday/Tuesday straight after. Looking forward to it as it will round the year off nicely (please no rain this time :fingerscrossed:)

Oh bugger, that’s tempting.


Agreed - absolute perfect track for the Exige …

Doubt mine will be finished by then though

However … I would be available for sightseeing trips