Ypres Lotus Day #YLD2018

Just back from a fantastic day at the Belgium city of Ypres. The Ypres Lotus day attracted a record 147 Lotus cars. Absolutely my cup of tea. What a great bunch of people. Me and my wife had a great time. Did about 100 km in two stages before lunch and another 100 km in two stages after. Great weather. Belgium roads are :crazy: sometimes so a lot of shaking and one or two splitter scraps. But didn’t spoil the fun of seeing 147 bright coloured Lotuses go around the flowing hills of the region. And driving the only Exige S1 to join felt special :sunglasses: for next year I’ll put a sticker on so I don’t need answer the question 20 times, “YES, its a real one” :laughing:

Images of all cars there: https://www.facebook.com/kurt.lowie/media_set?set=a.10211382351130700.1073742266.1119284960&type=3
Images of the event here: https://www.facebook.com/frederic.koninckx/media_set?set=a.10215045080933394.1073741900.1021412734&type=3

That yellow +2 in the first pic is rather lovely :sunglasses:

Car looks great. I do love it “is it real” :laughing: and it’s already got a sticker www.exiges.com :sunglasses:

Maybe there should be an eliges.com :lolno:

I can feel a trip coming on next year.
I assume this is the link http://www.ypreslotusday.be/pages/intro.php

Sounds like a good idea to me.