Year of the Exige?

Hi all.Been a regular lurker on here for a while now, and I decided to register and show my face - Mr Admin, Ally/Lemmy and Mark will know me from EVO already [image][/image]Anyway, I’m looking at getting a Lotus this year - my first choice being an Exige, my second choice an S2 Elise. And I just wanted to ask a couple of things…Firstly, would you recommend an Exige as a first car for a RWD virgin? My experience is limited to small FWD hatches, and I wondered if I’m going to be way out of my depth? … I’ve heard if you exceed its (high) limit and can be a handful to correct - especially in the wet (which Mark mentioned to me [image][/image]) Anyone done the Lotus Handling course? It was mentioned to me before…Next - could you live with the Exige as an only car? Mainly town, occasional short motorway journeys…? It would more than likely be my only car, unless I can hold onto my LupoGTi aswell. Running costs seem quite low for a car of this performance and ability - as far as I can tell, the major bills seem to be tyres and body repairs (God forbid…). Anything else major I should worry about?And finally, how old are you Exige owners? At the tender age of (nearly) 22 for me, am I going to be a young whippersnapper in the Exige community?? [image][/image] [image][/image]As I say, your answers to these questions could affect whether I get an Exige or Elise, so I’m relying on you all!Cheers for all your help guys, much appriciated. Matt

Matty B - never ask the age of an Exigeer [image][/image]Like yourself I contemplated an S2 Elise. The Elise is a damn fine car [image][/image] , but the Exige is IMHO finer, although on fine days wish it had a removable top reckon I made the right decision. [image][/image] [image][/image]Why don’t you test few at the dealers (then buy private �2k to �3k- less…) guarantee you will be smitten [image][/image] [image][/image]Don’t buy the first one you see - unless you are absolutely sure its the one… Ask as many questions as you like on here - they are a v helpful bunch of guys and gals…A young lad like you should have no probs using it as everyday transport, I use mine as reg as poss for 50min work journey, that includes; 20mins up the M18 and the stat 25min stationary traffic queue into Doncaster - shakes off the morning blues too… [image][/image]Best of luckSimon

Firstly, EVO - TOP MAG! How could you NOT get a car Meaden gave such a rav review to and 5*!!!Right, to your questions…I was RWD virgin and the Exige is fine. The rubber is so sticky and the clutch so weak that you’ll have to try REALLY hard to spin the wheels. I think its limits are more to do with the fact of where the weight sits and that the nature of the rubber means it can break-away dramatically under breaking (I remember waving to all the passing EVO crew as I sat (undamaged) at the Donnington chicane the wrong way round!), you’re also talking about limits much higher than nearly anything on the road. Still, there is loads of information being fed to your palms, a RWD advantage.The guys on the Lotus Handling course are top notch. The (god) likes of Alistar McQueen and Dave Minter, who both developed the Exige but have left Lotus now, are often involved. It’s expensive but will make you quicker and safer than any upgrade will (bar maybe a �10k supercharger).I’ve used my Exige every day for shortish jounreys and love it but HATE getting stuck in traffic. The clutch gets tiring and the harness means to shake with the engine. But the looks you get, well let’s just say you’ll never be able to pick your nose in the car again! That said I am going to get something cheap for at least the winter trips to the station as sitting in the damp makes it tricky to just jump in to.The bills for a car this quick are low but I am comparing against a Porsche or Ferrari! It is going to cost in oil and regular services, it’s going to cost to take to a track (which you MUST do), tires last about 5000 miles (less with lots of tracking) and cost �600+ a set (for the proper rubber, you can do cheaper (eg Toyo) but it kills the grip), bits will go wrong if it’s driven hard (I’m sure you know what LOTUS really stands for and this was one of the lower volume more tuned models), etc (search this site for more info)We’re all young at heart! I consider myself a young Exige owner at 31, so that makes you a baby! But it doesn’t prevent us having fun when we meet up (Anglesey in October was the last I seem to recall).Buy one, even if you don’t get on with it you’re not likely to lose much money on it and you will not regret the experience.Ian [image][/image]

Cheers for the replys!Simon - yeah, the removable top is the one (and only [image][/image]) things that attracts me to the Elise over the Exige…but I can live with it for the looks of the Exige. And its good to hear its not too bad to live with.Ian - Firstly, Meaden’s five star review is the main thing that made me want one - that and after seeing one parked up in Birmingham’s Brindly Place car park one drunken saturday night (Orange - anyone’s here?) and dribbling all over it [image][/image]Good to hear that its not too hardcore to drive. Its one of the main things that worried me. How much is the Lotus Handling course? I’d definately be interested, unless someone can recommend a better alternative?I know all about what Lotus stands for [image][/image] I read this and various threads on Pistonheads about it [image][/image] I think I can live with it, I owned a French car for 2 years [image][/image] But �600+ sounds decent for the Yoko’s, from old threads on here I thought it was closer to �1000!As for the looks, just talked to a mate (who also wants an Exige) who’s a friend of Mark, and he’s been giving me the low down on his passenger ride in Mark’s Exige on New Years Eve - impressed doesn’t begin to explain he feelings! - Comments like “Wow, a Ferrari!” and “Nice car, is it fast?” were heard when they parked up at a Petrol station…can’t be bad [image][/image]Mark has promised me a P-Ride at the EVO Trackday at Donington in Feb, so I’m really, REALLY looking forward to that [image][/image]But its definately top of my list now - I don’t intend to buy until summer at least, but I’m just doing some early research!Oh, actually, whats the security like on the Exige??? Is an aftermarket system recommended? I’ll be keeping mine in a garage overnight, but living in Birmingham could have me worried anyway…Cheers again for the help![This message has been edited by MattyB (edited 02 January 2003).]

MattyB, a welcome to the soon to be Exige owners club.There is a mystical figure known as Pesky (Rob H), who is the ‘knowledge god’ of this site and helped me out when i was thinking about buying one.I have to concur with my fellow Exiges on the ownership side of things. I have gone through x2 TT’s, x3 Boxsters, a 911 (996) and an S2 Elise until i uncovered the holy grail of driving feedback and would never ever sell her (the kidney’s would go first).I have done the Lotus Experience day at Rockingham and if you have not driven an Elise or Exige before then this is a good insight to how they perform. Although i would say it is expensive at �500 and really you would be better off spending your money with Andy Walsh of You can use his Elise for the day and really explore the limits of the car and Andy is the snakes eyebrows at car control.I live in Surrey and keep mine in a garage over night also, but i came to the conclusion a while ago that a car is to be used and if you are worried about it being nicked etc get a pushbike. Saying that the alarm seems good to me and it is a Cat1 on mine. You may find insurance might be a little high but ensure you get trackday cover included (Esteem or Cheem are very good for Lotus).Get one you will never regret it and get along to some trackdays upon which you are more than welcome to grab a ride with me as well as the other owners.Good NY resoution, buy an Exige.Mark.

quote:Originally posted by MattyB:Good to hear that its not too hardcore to drive. Its one of the main things that worried me…�600+ sounds decent for the Yoko’s, from old threads on here I thought it was closer to �1000!..Comments like “Wow, a Ferrari!” and “Nice car, is it fast?” were heard when they parked up at a Petrol station…can’t be bad [image][/image]Mark has promised me a P-Ride at the EVO Trackday at Donington in Feb, so I’m really, REALLY looking forward to that [image][/image]Oh, actually, whats the security like on the Exige??? Is an aftermarket system recommended? I’ll be keeping mine in a garage overnight, but living in Birmingham could have me worried anyway…- One of the great benefits of lightweight is that you can make a car that is fast and not too hardcore. It’s very tame (and boring) under 4000rpm, although a pain in the arse under 2000rpm.- Lotus’ latest Yoko A048 rubber is gripier, cheaper and lasts longer - nice!- If you want a laugh do a search in Exige Talk for the thread on which car to buy, an Exige or Ferrari (oh hang on I fancy reading it again, here you go - - Notice what you are catching on your fast P-ride with Mark. Ferraris should be breakfast and it’ll need a well driven TVR, Porsche (Turbo only!) or Noble to cause it much trouble.- I haven’t had any trouble on the security front. I decided that in the end it was only joy-riders that were going to nick it. After all, it’s too rare for a professional to risk. My fix was a removable steering wheel. The added benefit was the hub is central on my MOMO Power (it’s set slightly lower on the std Lotus one, not that anybody really complains), it’s easier to get in and out (without turning the wipers on, or worse, breaking the stork) and I have it slightly smaller at 300mm (as aposed to the std 320mm).Ian [image][/image]ps. If you get us in to EVO trackdays you can have many more P-rides! [image][/image][This message has been edited by IDG (edited 02 January 2003).]

Matt The boyz are right - there will be little downside if you buy one, & then sell it because you don’t like it (highly unlikely!).I am a mechcanical/technical numpty, but am proud to be an out & out Exige enthusiast [image][/image] There are experts on this bbs who will be able to help with techie questions - notably Phil Davies, Miniman, MarkD, Martin & Steve Edwards, Brian D etc [image][/image]

Matty B,I think all the angles have been covered here already but I say, just go and get one. It’s the most exciting car I’ve ever owned and everyone on this site has been so helpful. If you get stuck just post something, Pesky is a mine of information (and supplies great sunstrips!). I don’t think I’d like to drive mine to work every day but since you’re young I’m sure the looks from the crumpet will make up for the lumpy ride! Def. get one with the sports seats and harnesses plus you must have the sports exhaust (what a fantastic racket!) [image][/image] [image][/image]And finally good luck!!Peter

MattFollow the “Nike” principle … Just do It !Andrew

MattI just noticed - are you located in Birmingham ? - If so where ? - I’m in Halesowen and with reference to insurance I am with Esteem and one clause was the Exige had to be garaged overnight at my home address ( doesnt matter if I’m away from home … go figure !!)If you want to have a no pressure test drive - let me know [image][/image]

Firstly, thanks all for the replys…Mark - it is indeed my new years resolution to get an Exige [image][/image] I’ll check out that driving course too - cheers for that.Ian - I read about it being a pain at low rpm’s, doesn’t the 190 upgrade help in that respect?As for Ferrari VS Exige, excellent thread…interesting comparison! [image][/image]I’ll also look into getting a good alarm system fitted, I’m more worried about jealous vandalising tossers more than anything. I did a quote with my insurance company who only wanted �400 more than on my LupoGTi - not bad really. I was kinda tempted to rob a bank to help my cause and by Ally’s Exige [image][/image] but alas, I’ll just have to wait [image][/image]And I’m fully aware of the Exige’s exotica-bashing potential [image][/image] Seen a few video’s on the net, I expecially like this one of the Motorsport Elise against a Corvette, which Mark kindly sent my way… Love the way it murders the Corvette for cornering speeds and braking (althouugh the American’s aren’t exactly renowned for their chassis [image][/image]) - but just loses out on top end speed. Very cool indeed. Oh, as for EVO trackdays, everyone is welcome, I believe Mr Admin Dave and Mark are going anyway - just done via BookaTrack. Andrew - I’m just outside of Birmingham in West Bromwich…which could explain why I’m worried about security, there are some right theiving scumbags round here. I’d be kinda worried about the boy-racer muppet behind me trying to steal my spoiler to fit on his “kitted up” Rover 214 [image][/image] [image][/image]I’m getting a little over-excited again and waffling, so I’ll leave it at that. All that you need to know is that my mind is definately made up - Roll on summer [image][/image]Matt

quote:Originally posted by MattyB:…I read about it being a pain at low rpm’s, doesn’t the 190 upgrade help in that respect?..I’m more worried about jealous vandalising tossers more than anything…I did a quote with my insurance company who only wanted �400 more than on my LupoGTi - not bad really.Oh, as for EVO trackdays, everyone is welcome, I believe Mr Admin Dave and Mark are going anyway - just done via BookaTrack. - There is a little more torque above 2000rpm with the 190, which I think mainly comes from removing the Cat. Anyway, you need the 190 it’s a no brainer, put the car back the way it was designed before the Eurocrats got involved.- Will an alarm stop it being vandalised?? I certainly recommend the removable wheel.- Blime, who you insured with?! I’m slightly amazed you got a quote at 22. Lotus Esteem are very good.- Are EVO trackdays with BookaTrack this year than rather than OnTrack like last year?Ian [image][/image]

From what I’ve read, it wont pass the MOT with the 190 ECU on (although some people have managed it??) - how difficult is it to swap back again?As for the Alarms, Clifford (I think) do the sensory warning ones if people get too close. I think they’re fairly expensive though. Tesco will insure me for just under �1400 fully comp - 22 year old, 4 years NCB, clean license. Not bad really - Audi RS2 is only �1300 (again, not bad at all) but cars like EVO6’s go over the 2k mark. I’ve been paying over �1000 a year for insurance right since I passed my test - �1000 to insure a 750cc, 34bhp Fiat Panda when I was 17 - So I’m used to it now.And EVO trackdays - these are just organinised by the Forum members and have no links to EVO - their official trackdays with “EVO Active” are rediculously expensive, I think. Only 4 places left on the Donny trackday in Mid Feb now, so if your interested, gotta be quick! [image][/image]

Forget what the costs will be, and think about the return the car will have.Brilliant car, and if you like the Elise, you will just love the Exige. More precise on the road, much much quicker, looks brilliant, and a more civilised drive (IMO).There is some great technical resource on this site, and people always willing to help.Buy one and I would very much doubt you would regret it.

quote:Originally posted by MattyB:From what I’ve read, it wont pass the MOT with the 190 ECU on (although some people have managed it??) - how difficult is it to swap back again?See MF’s post on here - I think it was a good idea and if you’re buying from a dealer get them to do the same.If you do have to swap it back you’re going to need to borrow an original ECU, put the cat back (easy if the bolts are okay), change the cam pulley and possibly thermostat (less trivial) - hmm?!Or find a friendly garage! [image][/image]Ian [image][/image]

Matt, howsabout selling the Lupo to release a bit of cash and consider using an Exige as your only car? If you find the constant adulation from the fairer sex too much to handle [image][/image], buy a cheap runaround like a 106 Rallye, etc for �2k to run alongside it. Whatever you do, buy an Exige and you’ll be a very happy bunny. Good luck.

Ian - according to that thread, just replacing the cat is enough to get through the MOT, rather than having to bother with the ECU/Cam Pulley/Thermostat aswell??Ally - This is what I plan to do, to use the Exige as the only car. I more keen on keeping the Lupo through my love of it rather than anything else. I think my mom wants it, which could be good for me - I could still have access to it.I’ve actually come to an agreement with my brother-in-law that if I ever need to go on holiday/do a long journey, I can borrow his LeonTDi and he can use the Exige - needless to say, he gladly agreed [image][/image]But if push came to shove…the Lupo would have to go [image][/image]Cheers again.