Xmas Present

After 24k miles trouble free motoring in my NA IPS I fancied an upgrade.

Sold mine after 6 days on PH and was collected by the new owner when I picked up the new one.

How the Evora has moved on in 4 years is amazing and its a good job our neighbours aren’t too close as the 400 is VERY shouty :smiley:

Nice pressy Steve looks great

yeah very nice, first gen evora didn’t do it for me but the 400/410 does

When are having a meet to drool?
Back in Uk early New Year.

Yep it’s a stunning car :sunglasses:
I had the pleasure of having a passenger ride in it yesterday :wink:
The exhaust sounds amazing :thumbup:

Nice one Steve!

Fantastic Steve, you’re a very lucky boy. You gonna bring it to Anglesey?

There’s something about Xmas, I’m always hitting PH and AutoTrader this time of year…must…not…buy…another…car :smiley:

Well done Steve, Merry Christmas :smiley:

Lovely!..but when you getting the 410? :smiley:

Thanks guys.

Still got 400 miles before the 1k service so looking forward to giving it some beans then.

Might bring it to Anglesey as likely only place the noise wont be an issue. :slight_smile:

Looks fantastic, more pics please.
Let us know how you get on with it.

Yeah, very nice indeed. More pics required!