Would you buy this? (Ebay content).

Item 4554187625 on Ebay.

What a load of tat!

Its a shame because their other stuff isnt too bad!

That is a joke! I bet some says on here that it is modern art

That is a joke! I bet some says on here that it is modern art

Well im quite into modern art and car photography but that is just sh1t!


�12.99 - buy a real S2 for less

[image]> http://www.autoposter.co.uk/images/ChampionChapman.jpg> [/image]

�12.99 - buy a real S2 for less


Absolutely shocking picture…

So you’ve got a grass covered tyre, and a yellow S2 reflected in an orange-peel quality paintwork.


Still, nobody lost money underestimating the intelligence of the public.

Picture seems to be missing for me.