World Cup injuries


My car currently has picked up two niggling injuries. Firstly, when I try to fill my washer bottle it instantly makes my feet very wet… Secondly, the engine cover release cable is well past its best, and I managed to bend the operator end of it to add to the corrosion worries also at that end.

I haven’t closely investigated either problem, but I am keen to avoid re-inventing the wheel when I replace/adjust either item. I imagine both have potential for considerable grief…

My car has a/c which has stumped some of my Elise-owning friends on the washer bottle issue.

Any hints and tips or do’s/don’ts most welcome.



Washer Bottle on a/c cars is accessed by unbolting the front nearside wheelarch liner. I’ll bet you’ll find the filler pipe has become unattached from the bottle head.

Release puller - you should be able to carefully bend it back.Lubricate the cable with silicon spray (not WD40) at both ends. In the engine bay, remove the plastic cover on the catch, & unfasten the cable, to lubricate it.


Thanks for the tips…

Shouldn’t you be in Le Mans?


Shouldn’t you be in Le Mans?

Flying in tomorrow to do my qualifying laps

Well, actually we’re doing the “Classic” this year, & we’re off on the 2nd July for 12 days - including a trip to the Cognac area, before Le Mans itself 83man has a “special route” already sussed out for us, which avoids the m/way type roads;)

PS Watching “live” qualifying on Motors TV tonight

I am missing the 24H for maybe the 3rd or 4th time since '83 for personal reasons and I am seriously considering the Classic this year. Very frustrating, tuned in to Radio Le Mans as I write, but do I really want to watch a diesel (and Audi at that) win? May PM you on this subject, ie are you camping?

I agree-a bl***y diesel-I give up.

It is just a marketing shot from VAG to sell more TDi. Audi has refused to sell the R8 to private teams to be sure to not beeing annoyed on the podium.

they also let Courage just a few laps behind in order to hide the real potential of the R10 hoping that the ACO will not make a restrictive reglementation for diesels in 2007.

May be Peugeot will counter the VAG supremacy next year…also with a diesel…

Hopefully there are the GT’s.

I suspect you were hoping for a French team, to win in France with French drivers?

I don’t mind !

I just don’t really like Audi, I prefer other german brands…(not Opel by the way )

I don’t really like Peugeot neither but I think that next year the ACO will write the new reglementation in favour of Peugeot.

Well I hope they make it as sexy as this!


I suspect you were hoping for a French team, to win…

Hell yeah, I was, �Peskyrolo� all the way , which, in my opinion, is also by far the prettiest car on the Grid…

[image] prsk.jpg[/image]

[image] prsc.jpg[/image]

Well it’s not really a diesel engine. Uses another fuel with a tiny bit of diesel added. Just a marketing ploy to sell more TDIs

Sounded like a bloody hoover though, hope they don’t all go like that as you never be able to hear if the race is on or not.

Do you have any idea what it smells like (the feul that is), not that I�m in the habit of going around sniffing that kind of thing�

Is it like a regular diesel smell, or does it have more of a petrolesque bouquet ?


Sexy? Since raised the subject, I trawled up these pics from 1983. Not a diesel in sight (I was going to say to be heard…)



Haven’t had time to sort the washer bottle and engine cover release, but this seems a lot more interesting…

Now this is a pretty car�

[image] this.jpg[/image]

Only one thing, what is it� Sauber C7 (or is that the one behind it ) ?

Kremer CK5 - retired, but need to check further details on the net…

Right you are


Retired after 8 laps.