Withdrawal symptoms

The first Exige I ever saw and had a passenger ride in. Great to see it again.

Fingers crossed Ian.

Great news!

Who has done the work on the car this time Ian?

Really hope so Ian … I know how frustrating and drawn out these episodes can be … when you on track next ?

Nowt to to do with Lotus but re the wedding: the bar ran out of draught beer (at £5 a pint) at 2pm after a 1pm wedding service leaving the thirsty throng facing 11 hours without any ale.
The day was saved by one of the guests, a young fella who has a brewery, albeit a small one, on his farm. He was able to quickly re-supply with his products (Farmyard Ales). And his two brews were far superior to the original stuff.
Well, the result was I got well refreshed in company with my two sons and the rest of the assembled guests.
Nothing like a good wedding . . .

Hope you don’t mind but I’ve copied your comments about Farm Yard Ales to them as they’re one of my company’s newest clients!

Great story :thumbup:

Hellfire, the world of social media is a small one!
I got that re-sent to me via God knows who and my youngest son at 7.30 am this morning.
No problem, though, as I’m more than happy to support a local brewery and a great bloke in any way I can.


Thanks, Ben.
It’s one of the joys of living up here, that everyone seems to know everyone else and can help out in a crisis!
And, as my late lamented father-in-law used to say: “Kick one and they all limp”

Whereas, I imagine, in SW Londinium, your neighbours will be a bit more reserved :unamused: :laughing: