Wireless router problem

Due to ongoing internet connection problems with TalkTalk, can the technical among you advise whether a Netgear300 wireless ADSL2+ router can handle fibre optic as the router supplied by TalkTalk is, apparently, faulty

I’m gonna go with no, sorry :frowning:

Thanks, Ben. I feared as much. Promised a new router by 28th/29th.
Been lost in space since 17th.
Countless calls to TT in distant parts of the world proved that all they can do is
“Talk,talk” without a hope of resolving the problem.

Yeah if only you’d picked an alternate provider where I’d have a bit more leverage. Saying that I tried to escalate an issue for Jonny once and totally failed :blush:

It wasn’t that bigger deal :smiley:

Had a quick poke around on t’internet and came up with the TP-LINK TD-W9980 N600 which is apparently TalkTalk fibre compatible and easy to set up.

Available from Dabs, Amazon & various other outlets at around £50-60.

Thanks, guys. Will just have to grin and bear it for a bit.
As Benja thought Netgear a no-go. I’ll be going to the “alternate provider” at the earliest opportunity.

Good news! After 21 days I now have my internet connection back. It took an email to Talktalk’s chief executive and a threat to exercise of the power of the Press but it’s here.
Now about the compensation . . .