Hi All - i guess most of you are familiar with Ventureshield / Armourfend paint protection films. Well we can now offer the same type of product for windscreens. Ideal for those of you who do trackdays or just like driving fast.
The material is installed in pretty much the same way and will last the same type of time. It can protect the screen for anything up to large stones.I have just installed it to my own S1 Exige.
Costs for an S1 Exige / Elise is £260.00 + vat and must be installed at our workshop in Bromley Kent. If you are interested in this or Ventureshield Paint Protection / Vehicle wrapping please contact me on [email protected]

Heh Sean,

Once is enough bud. Exiges is a quiet place and lots of saddos read every post so you just need to pick the most appropriate place and post once…

So you’re in Bromley eh,…I was SE London born and bred. It’s about time we had another London curry night eh…

Hayes Massive here. (BR2)

Blimey 661 … seen a few Elises locally but not an Exige.

Moved to Eastbourne. Still up seeing Mum and friends occasionally. I see Bromley FC were on the box today. Run by my old school mate Mark Goldberg. Small world. The Elan was known for terrorising the streets of Hayes and Bromley back in the day. Girlfriend was in Chislehurst so had to do those lights next to your work.

Yes I know Mr Goldberg … often see him out locally. X5 EGE has now taken your terrorising place :slight_smile: