Window winders

Hey Everyone
I’d really like a pair of new window winders but can’t seem to find them anywhere. Perhaps someone on here has a set up for grabs?

[mention]junks[/mention] must have some?

I think I might have some kicking about will have a look.

Please let me know, id be very interested, any condition considered.



They are beautifal looking things

Not quite so attractive when they drop off in your hand when winding down the window, as mine did yesterday. Think I might need a new one.

Oh dear, they’re not the strongest option then?
I’m half tempted to machine some from billet at work as I can’t find a pair anywhere.

In my case, the circular winder fell off as the press on retaining clip behind has “worn out” for want of a better phrase. The main body of the winder, the arm is sound.

I’m sure I have somewhere Andy but it’s findng them!! :laughing: