Window Problems...?


Picture it…The Big Smoke is far away,…indeed I am in the Cotswolds…it’s the long weekend…and I’m in a beautifully waxed and polished Exige…and I’m about to drive into the majestic grounds of Blenheim Palace when a grounds marshall stops me to tell me where to park…I start winding the window down…and then …CLUNK, the window falls through the door!

I’ve taken the window out to find the problem is two-fold. A sticky horzontal bracket on the two ball runners, mixed with the three white clips that hold the glass have unstuck from the glass…a mixture of epoxy and black silicone seems to have perished.

So…any advise on the repair? By the way, are the two ball runners supposed to rotate when the bracket moved from left to right. Mine seem fixed?

Ciao All - Carrtman

PS: Other than that, she drove like a DREAM !!

Hmmm, not sure you can glue it back.
In any case, I wouldn’t trust it re-glued.
If it was me, I would be looking if the insurance covers also the window glass and if not, ordering one directly.

New is better.

I think if I can try and glue them on securely there is no reason why it shouldn’t be a lasting fix. Nothing has broken as such?!! The winder mechanism is fine, the glass is perfect. Hmm!

Would Lotus cover this on workmanship warranty? Long shot?!

Maybe I should just leave the window off and in the quest for less weight, use selotape and transparent plastic?! I could even take a pencil and perforrate it for additional cooling?

Cheers Carttman

This was quite a common problem in the early days and the only fix was to rebond again - if you look at the design of it then its bound to happen again…I try to only open the windows with the door open and one hand putting pressure on the top of the glass to push it down as I turn the winder…its now automatic!

My one has done it too, I used araldite which worked a treat.

It’d be a wonder if they had opted to put three neat drill holes through the bottom of the glass and the three grabbers. That would have made it 100% secure… Tsk tsk…

Yep happened to mine as well, 80 grit paper to roughen up the glass around the fixing points and epoxy glue to attach the blocks

Just to let all know that I sorted the window and its working perfectly again. Araldite and sandpaper…did the trick!!

Ciao - Carttman


better than ever i bet…