Why does my handbrake light flicker on mid corner?

Had my S2 Exige for 3 weeks.

Was on track for the first time last week, meant to ask earlier but I forgot.

During hard cornering on track the handbrake light flickers or comes on.

Any reason why this might happen and should I get it checked out?

Had most things go wrong but I have not had that …yet
Could be just the sensor playing up

Think I mentioned that to you on the day. I was almost happy to have my first Lotus fault.

I imagine that will wear off quickly

Last year my one was in at MMC for 12 days each one a different prob, they start to become a haze of Suzuki loan cars

I’m also getting that, just on fast right handers.
Think it’s because the brake pads are worn down and the resevoir fluid level has dropped enough to slosh around away from the level switch.
Thats my theory anyway, keep meaning to investigate fully and now you’ve reminded me…

I’m also getting that, just on fast right handers.
Think it’s because the brake pads are worn down and the resevoir fluid level has dropped enough to slosh around away from the level switch.
Thats my theory anyway, keep meaning to investigate fully and now you’ve reminded me…

Na. your theory sucks (no offence), the handbrake warning light i.e. you have your handbrake on, will not be connected to the low level warning for the fluid resevior.

Mine does it aswell, didn’t know what it was at first as it’s only a flicker of red on the dash (Mmmm was that the oil lihgt?), got a passenger to tell me what it was…

Over sensitive switch probably or poor mounting design or both.

I had that problem on mine, after I had the braided hoses fitted. Only ever on right handers.

I topped up of the brake fluid and its never happened since.

So the theory might suck, but I think he might be onto something.

Two for brake fluid level, will check that first then

I’m also getting that, just on fast right handers.
Think it’s because the brake pads are worn down and the resevoir fluid level has dropped enough to slosh around away from the level switch.
Thats my theory anyway, keep meaning to investigate fully and now you’ve reminded me…

Na. your theory sucks (no offence), the handbrake warning light i.e. you have your handbrake on, will not be connected to the low level warning for the fluid resevior.

I beg to differ old chap. The handbrake warning light is also the brake fluid level light. Says so in the book wot I have in front of me. (page 30)

Well unless Lotus are using the fluid resevoir as some sort of junction box I cant see how it can effect it. The hand brake is cable operated and I would presume the warniung light on a microswitch of sorts connected to the cable/lever assembly somewhere.

I go read my book…facing the corner.

I go read my book…facing the corner.

Its just two switches wired in parallel, either operates the light.

your theory is spot on. I had this exact problem… and it was fixed by topping up the brake fluid. The light does not only warn about the handbrake…

your theory is spot on. I had this exact problem… and it was fixed by topping up the brake fluid. The light
does not only warn about the handbrake…

Yep. My standard S2 Elise used to do the same thing and the fix was as described.

Check also that the reservior is secure, it’s only held on with a tie wrap and can move under cornering loads. Mine ended up lower on one side than the other.

Cheers will do.

happening to my exige. Checked by Lotus at last service. Fluid levels fine, but still doing it on fast right hand corners.Similar thing with my mates S2.

Checked by Lotus at last service…but still doing it

Checked by a Main Dealer by any chance? Have you taken a look yourself?

Checked mine today, fluid level is fine and reservoir is well secured in correct position.