When Is It Time To Sell An Exige??

I’ve had my Exige nearly 7 years - Mrs Tone keeps telling me I’ve got through my mid-life crisis now and it’s time the Lotus went. She said I’m old enough to have a sensible diesel E class now.

At 52 years old and some 80,000 later in the Lotus - I think we have a lot of miles left in us both yet.

The Exige is still uncomfortable on long journeys, it’s still cold in the winter and hot in the summer (the a/c gas escaped years ago) Next week it gets its third water pump, it’s already on its third alternator, it’s had head gasket failure once, a very expensive engine rebuild, hell knows how many resprays. Whenever I even contemplate selling it -some schoolboy yell at me "Nice car mister - and I’m smitten again.
My sons asked if they could have it when I die (charming!!) - but I told them they could have the engine - I’m being buried in the Exige.

My sons asked if they could have it when I die (charming!!) - but I told them they could have the engine - I’m being buried in the Exige.

That’s the spirit, mon ami!

Women, Huh!

Try pointing it out to her that it may not be a good idea, to encourage you to chop in something just because it is old and has cost you a fortune in favour of a younger model.


I like that line of thought – but that sort of bravery has cost me three halfs of a house previously…

I was out for a run in the winter sun in mine today . . . went off to work in it.And returned home to hear these wonderful words re Exige from Mrs Thommo:“You do love it don’t you?”
I replied in the affirmative.
Almost brought a tear to the eye.

Almost brought a tear to the eye.

When her knee came up between my legs!!

My girlfriend once asked me which i loved more… I replied, what a silly question !!!

I’m now single

Keep it - It will never leave you

Youre just a lad-Im keeping mine until I go!!!

Re: When Is It Time To Sell An Exige??

this is more a rhetorical question, isn’t it?

nice story, thanks

Blimey I’m finally an addict!!

Mrs Tone keeps telling me I’ve got through my mid-life crisis now and it’s time the Lotus went.

Was it Charlton Heston whose response to a similar type of question was “from my cold dead fingers” (or words to that effect).