"When I drive my Lotus I don't feel sick" - MM2018

After exactly 10yr ago I drove the first one I’ll participate again. The MaartenMemorial 2018: Raise for Life

Below is a small translation of the cause. Would appreciate a tiny sponsoring of my car: Only S1 sofar :mrgreen: Their online tool is a bit slow and only work with bank transfers so donations can also be made to my paypal account (PM me) and I’ll bank transfer all in the name of Exiges.com. Help me reach my tiny goal…



"Cancer patients drive with 100 of Hollands most exclusive sport cars on the race track of Zandvoort

On the 19th of July 2018 the 15th Milano MaartenMemorial is beeing organised. The Maartenmemorial is an event where cancer patients are given the chance to be a passenger in 100 of Hollands most exclusive sports cars on a drive from Rotterdam to the Race track of Zandvoort for a few quick laps. The main target of this event is to let the patients forget their illness for a day. Simultaneously, funds are beeing raised for the Maarten van Sten laboratory where important cancer research is beeing done in name of the Daniel den Hoed clinic in Rotterdam.

Maarten van Sten to whom the Maartenmemorial is named, was a young engineer and car fanatic who on an early age of 27 died due to cancer. During his illness, Maarten drove his Lotus cars as long as it was possible. His remark “When I drive my Lotus I don’t feel sick” is the basis for the Maartenmemorial who is beeing organised by his friends. Of the hundred cars that will take part, there are a large number of Lotus vehicles but also some other super cars.



Hi Rene,

that’s a very good thing and I like to support you. Please send me your Paypal account (via PM) and I’ll transfer a donation.
I’ve already heard about this kind of activity from Marten (UK sportcars NL), the previous owner of my Exige.
I hope you get lots of support,


What a great day it was. My two passengers had the time of their life and a total of 85500€ collected for cancer research.
