When EVO meets SELOC

And wins letter of the month in “I know the Evora won every award in sight but who will really buy one over a Gayman at those prices?”

TOSSERS :angry:

Because some people don’t want to look like every other tosser :slight_smile:

I’d NEVER buy a Porsche that wasn’t an RS :slight_smile:

Me :slight_smile:

Was in JCT 600 in Leeds today - a rather fetching young thing (female :slight_smile:) was buying an Evora.

[quote=SimonE]Me :slight_smile:

Was in JCT 600 in Leeds today - a rather fetching young thing (female :slight_smile:) was buying an Evora. [/quote]

Did you get her number for me?

Daft as it sounds I did get her number and advised her to get her ass up to NYLOC meeting :slight_smile:

Blimey, you smooth talking git! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I saw a black 60 plate Evora leaving Leeds last night, didn’t see the occupant, it’s only the second one I’ve seen on the road, not counting JCTs demo car.

I was also in JCT the other week, and I asked how they were selling… “oh we’re selling loads, we can’t get enough of them”

That’ll be why I’ve seen so many!

I think the rarest car I’ve ever seen on the road is the new ferrari 458 with the 3 exhausts, tbh I was surprised by how silently it passed by all I saw was the distingtive triple exhaust, there has been a regular audi R8 that passes by almost silently too and an f430 now and that has a more metalic note to it, never seen an evora apart from at silverstone where the guy almost dropped it in the first corner.

You should have been at Spa in August, there were 3 458s and the sound fantastic on full chat going by