Wheel refurb

I have a slight buckle on the inner face of one of my front Rimstocks, which is causing vibration of the steering wheel. Had them balanced several times by different places but can’t get rid of it, so can a refurb company straighten the wheel without any danger?

If so any recommendations?


Looking at a new one Steve, I belive theres a thread on here about Steve Greens Smart car having a bent wheel. Maybe that will help.

Got the same problem…so far all the “refurb” cos only do cosmetics not “unbending”…
Will post if I find someone.

so far all the “refurb” cos only do cosmetics not “unbending”…
Will post if I find someone.

Did you try all the companies I posted in an earlier thread?

Have to admit I only looked at their sites . Did not call and talk to them…Guess I’m a lazy B…
Will defo call when we get back from Classic Le Mans

No worries - just surprised at youe earlier post as a few of those websites do say that they will unbend…

What thread was this? Can you post a link?


Smart car bent alloy thread

Bent wheel thread

I know one near York if that is close to you?