Wheel Cleaning

What does everyone use to clean their black powder coated wheels ?? Today I used Meguiars Hot Rims (Safe for PC Wheels) and a soft paint brush for the application, then rinsed off and wipe clean with a towel. After I had finished the near side front rim, there were some light scratches on some of the spokes. Anyone use any better product or have a better technique ??

very hot water with a horse hair brush

most times I spray some virosol aswell

Best result I’ve had so far is soap & water, applied with a shaving brush (bristle), then apply Autoglym Bumper Care with a cloth. Lovely


Soap & water me too.
The black forged rims are so delicate!

The paint it’s absolutely not maden for a car like Lotus, it’s for Rolls.
The black jump away only to look at them.
I had the same wheels in silver and that finish is better for resistence.
The black seems done with a spray from a 12 year old boy painter of the subway…

Make sure that you paint brush hair is not held in place by a metal band. (Most paint brushes are).

You can get a soft wheel cleaning brush from halfords that doesn’t have the metal band.

I never, ever use anything other than normal car shampoo and a high quality car sponge (not a plastic sponge). In fact I use three sponges for different areas of the car, the last of which is dedicated to the wheels.

I agree that the “Y” design wheels are a bitch to keep clean but it is worth spending time on them, getting into every crevice with the sponge and also using plenty of clean water to rinse off. Always dry your brake discs off with a quick run up the road and light left foot braking.

Wash your wheels regularly - several times a week in winter. If you do this there will be absolutely no need for potentially damaging “special” wheel cleaning products.

What does everyone use to clean their black powder coated wheels ??

Somebody else.

I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again…

Get one of these

And this is Pesky’s wheel cleaning kit drying out after the weekly valet

Thanks all for the tips. I have covered the metal band on the paint brush with loads of masking tape to prevent any chips. I have got loads of other brushes for wheels and detailing brushes at my disposal, but they just all seem a bit course (apart from the paint brushes). I have got some zymol protector spray to coat them with, so I will take the wheels off at the weekend and give them the proper treatment.

When there clean use some of this stuff.

Wheel Sealant

Makes them easy to clean the next time

I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again…

Get one of these >

Russ tells me that they’re made from virgin’s eyelashes


And > this > is Pesky’s wheel cleaning kit drying out after the weekly valet

I’ve never been to Brazil


Hmmmm, virgins eyelashes. I like the sound of that

Hmmmm, virgins eyelashes. I like the sound of that

