Wheel center cap wanted

Any one got a center cap for Team Dinamics wheel?
M4 claimed one of mine yesterday :frowning:

TD centre cap here
and Lotus style emblems for the TD caps here

Dave your site says center cap is out of stock
When do expect more in?

Sorry inventory error
Just fixed it!!
Thanks for the heads up :blush:

WARNING take care when removing this type of center cap.
They are in two pieces. So if you knock them out from the inside do it gently or you will weaken the join between the base and the outer cap.
When mine went AWOL the base piece was still in the wheel.
Best thing is to adjust them so they are a good but not tight fit. And push them out rather than wacking them with the end of screwdriver.
Suggest you remove them before having tyres fitted too. As tyre fitter will not be so careful.