What's Your Driving Position?


“Note Haslin�s driving position, designed to give maximum leverage and precise control”

Taken from an online article:

“Best Job in the World
Jerome Haslin Michelin test driver
Testing tyres on high-performance cars is a very serious business. That�s seriously fast, and seriously sideways�”

web page

Looks quite cramped to me?


He needs to get out of the porker & into a Lotus

I go for a driving position as similar to that as possible, length of legs allowing.

He is a touch closer than I’d go for but he is basically right.

Straight arms are for chavs in Novas.

I’m much further back… oldschol style. Not quite straight-arm but certainly not as close as that bloke

i prefer to be underneath with a pair of breasts dangling away in my face…

Oh sorry I drive on the right!!

i prefer to be underneath with a pair of breasts dangling away in my face…


i prefer to be underneath with a pair of breasts dangling away in my face…

Short Arse

Good to hear from you Gav have you been hibernating?

It doesnt matter how tall they are when they are lying on their backs Ben!!

Xant comes in @ 6’4" with her heels on (no, no darling leave them on!)

Not hibernating mate just keeping my head down at work this last couple of months. Prices for scrap is shite atm, so just trying to get the materials that are stlll going strong (price/sales) out the door…