What oil do you use/recommend?

Do you do anything special when you change between brands Pesky? (Or is it a case of somebody else doing it for you?)



Drain the old stuff, change the filter, & stick the new oil in… all under my watchful eye of course

So you don’t get you’re hands dirty but you like to watch eh? That’s kind of like the dogging approach to being a home mechanic!

Oi you - I manage to change me own brake pads

I just wondered if it was a bad idea to mix remnants of Silkolene or Miller in with 4 litres of new different stuff, that was all.


I just wondered if it was a bad idea to mix remnants of Silkolene or Miller in with 4 litres of new different stuff, that was all.


They’re both top quality, & I change the oil every 3K miles.

Has anyone tried Caterham’s own synthetic oil 5w50 (5 litres for �32)? See here https://www.caterhamparts.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=126&products_id=128&osCsid=fce5f169b3d0ec353fabc1c64d91f7ff

I think that’s actually produced by “Comma” - well it was a couple of years ago anyway.

Yeah, its Comma and I’m pretty sure its one of those mineral oils with a squirt of something synthesized added. Also, I dont like oils with large spreads of grade ie 5 → 50. This basically means its a thin base stock with lots of yackum to keep it thick/gloopy but this stuff isn’t actually a very good lubricant. If I knew I wanted a 50 wt oil for bearing protection then I’d go for 15W50 instead and suffer the fuel economy hit.