what happened to the Exige GT3?

Given my new direction I’ve lost touch with the exige world. I still have �500 down on a GT3 but the last I heard they weren’t racing it? Anyone know where its at?

Given my new direction I’ve lost touch with the exige world. I still have �500 down on a GT3 but the last I heard they weren’t racing it? Anyone know where its at?

I suggest you get your �500 back

lol Pesky…succinct as ever!

My dealer told me they were going to be �55k and he had sold his allocation, but could get me one from somewhere else…

My dealer told me they were going to be �55k and he had sold his allocation, but could get me one from somewhere else…

Wonder what his view is now!

I nearly fell off my seat when he told me how much, I would not be brave enough to ask him about it now as I know i will only start laughing again