What "facts" about your lotus have you heard that are wrong

  1. Wow, is that the latest Lotus? Mine is a year 2000 model.
  2. Wow, a real Lotus. I have only seen that in games before.

Last week I took the exige to the supermarket, pulled in and parked right out the way so as not to get some idiot parking next to me. Gets out the car and as I was heading to the door this guy comes briskly walking over to me, I’m thinking he’s probably going to kick off as I was in race mode with the exhaust on full chat. As he walks over he says in a loud voice, “that thing !! is an absolute beast” and laughed :clap:

Yet why is it there’s always some tosser in an SUV parked right up to the door when you get back? There can be acres of effin’ spaces and they have to park “there”…usually with a face like Mr Grumpy from Grumpsville after being told his testicles are on upside-down :astonished:

Sorry, rant over