What do you read?

Autosport arrived this morning but it no longer provides the thrill and frisson of excitement it used to when it dropped through the letter box a few years ago.
Does anyone on here still read it? Any thoughts on content, etc?
I find I read more on the Autosport website before the print version arrives as I have access as a subscriber to the weekly mag.
But a recent issue of MotorSport, which I love for its coverage of racing in years gone by, gave me a greater insight into the gossip, intrigue and double-dealing in F1 than Autosport ever does.
I suspect that Autosport journalists are so afraid that they’ll lose their contacts in F1 that they daren’t give us the real stories.
And Joe Saward’s website, although a good source on occasions, is often too full of his tirades against rival scribes to hold much interest.
So, what’s the exiges.com view?

Motorsport is a good mag but despite being a subscriber I seldom get the chance to read it. Every other motoring mag seems anti brit.

That Joe Sewer tw@t is a cnut btw.


I’m boring, EVO but generally in the bathroom

A quick tug after another ‘Porsche wins’ article?


Viz! :stuck_out_tongue:

Saga Magazine now that PlayBoy plans to change :unamused: :laughing: :angry:

Think you’re boring, BMJ here.

Anything with colours pictures for me.

Still subscribe to Autosport but this post make me realise they sit there in their plastic bags unless there is something significant going on. Should likely cancel.

I used to love reading CAR and C&SC but now sadly seldom.

I have every copy of Motorsport from issue 1 (!) to 2002 but the last years I’ve not read it at all.

This year I subscribed to Race Tech instead of Racecar Engineering. I’m enjoying it but wish it was thicker/had more articles every month.

seriously, I’m on book 10 of ‘The Malazan Book of the Fallen’ series, mega read, only another 10 books to go!!!

I still receive EVO but rarely get chance to read it properly, I just tear the packaging off and by the time I’ve flicked through it the next issue has arrived.
Perhaps I should cancel the subscription!

I’m actually on hols down on the coast,…it’s raining, kids are quiet(ish) and I’m on the sofa, feet up reading EVO. I want a Singer 911 after reading that feature :sunglasses:

Don’t really read any magazines anymore, as I found that most of the articles for reviews etc have been covered online before the magazine gets out…

I’ve had a flick through Race Car Engineering when I’ve seen it in the shops, and that seemed pretty interesting…

Historic Lotus Register mag is superb …members only though,if you like the earlier Loti its a must.
I read it cover to cover the moment it arrives. Only 4 issues a year though.
Makes me wish for an Elite or Elan … :stuck_out_tongue: :mrgreen:

Wikipedia :slight_smile: