What dates are you going on for Track Days this year?

Well it is getting to the stage of booking up events for this year and i wondered who is going where this year, UK and Europe in the Exige?It was great to meet up with you guys in Nov at Donington (T7MBM Silver 190, odd tyres that day!) and i would love to co-ordinate it so there are other Exiger’s there when i go on track. In fact i am trying to arrnage on behalf of SELOC some dates at Donington this year.So let me know and we can have a contingent at most track events this year, cheers, MArk.

I’m definately up for a couple of track days this year. Got to put the new gears a workout [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image]I’m likely to pick events with a few other Exiges present, so I’m just going to go with the flow. It’s always nice to meet up with (relatively) like-minded chaps.

Brendan glad to hear it sir!I am booked so far on the following events:-31-01 Brands Hatch www.seloc.org 24-02 Brands Hatch www.seloc.org 14-03 Rockingham www.seloc.org 15-08 Hethel www.seloc.org Maybe Stelvio, Le Mans and Nurburgring.would love to do A1 ring also.

2 Exiges plus 6 elises are off to Monaco on 18.04.03 for a long weekend.JohnO

Everyone, have you registered with www.seloc.org yet? if not do as i and others are organising loads of track days and events throughout the year and there are more dates than you can shake a stick at.It is free to register and you become an active member when you have attended an event, this also allows you to gain loads of discounts available to the group. Just check out the track day venues and prices in the ‘events’ section, you will not be disapointed!!Do it you know it makes sense.Mark