What coolant

Need to carry out a coolant change shortly, can anyone tell me what type it is we need, and whats the capacity of the cooling system.



use OAT (organic acid technology - i think) from your Rover Dealer or MMC… however, if you don’t currently have OAT then you will have to flush the ethylene glycol based stuff out and that will take some time… using clear water.

Book says 8 litres…

Is that the pink stuff Rox? They put that in mine last service and it’s meant to last longer, be better, etc.


Yes, that’s the one to go for.
But you have to flush very well the current one, as they don’t mix. They’ll gellify and leave some black sludge in the water reservoir at best, or plug the passages at worst.

One way is to replace all the fluid with water, start the engine auntil the fan kicks in, drain and do it again. But this way it’s not perfect, there will still be residues in the heater.

There must be a way to just undo one hose, plug in a water hose, start the engine and circulate the water out before draining. Just have to think which hose would be best…

Is that the pink stuff Rox? They put that in mine last service and it’s meant to last longer, be better, etc.


yep that’s the stuff… it has better characteristics at high temps than traditional stuff… apparently…


Stuff the pink stuff - I’m going to try Evans NPG/NPG+ when I get my engine back together in a couple of weeks.

Here is a link to the Evans Page


Interesting! Although the viscosity of that stuff looks a little alarming when very cold. I assume our rad is considered a large pipe ali one? Which would make it less of a concern. What about the NPG-R? Although that doesn’t last as long.

I feel a remote stat and some of this stuff coming on. Doesn’t look like it needs too much of a flush either.


ps. How many litres in an American gallon?

[I’ll answer my own question]

Annoyingly there appears to be 3.7854 litres to the gallon. So you’d need 3 gallon to get to 8 litres. At $25 a gallon, that’s not cheap (even if the NPG+ does last ages). Anybody know how accurate 8 litres is?

Mike, you found a UK supplier?


That NPG does look quite a bit like the ol’ “water wetter” or “engine ice”…

Speaking fo which has anyone ever tried these?

Engine Ice: http://www.engineice.cc/
Water Wetter: http://www.redlineoil.com/products_coolant.asp

Just go for the normal OAT pink stuff.
It’s excellent! (say the experts, not me)


Supplier is here - not spoken to them yet to get the bad news on price yet.


If nobody tries it then how are we to know whether its just snake oil or not



Pretty interesting stuff… are you going to change the radiator, water-pump and pressure cap then…
I suppose if it dusnae work out… there’s always ‘vorsprung durch teknik’ as a back-up


I went the other way - got a bigger aluminium rad fitted a while ago and I’ve just got an uprated water pump for the rebuild. Huvnae thought about a reduced pressure - pressure cap yet. I was going to speak to DVA about it when I’m down getting my engine done in a couple of weeks.

As for OOOO conversion, I’ll be stopping in at Bernard’s place to have a look at the conversion while I’m down with DVA.
