Wet Night Driving

I had some HID’s fitted while it was at Sinclaires which are a great improvement over the standard bulbs

Are they the huge improvement that everyone says they are? Are Sinclaire’s doing them as a standard upgrade now or were you on the recent SELOC bulk buy?

I find the vision much improved, I only have the dipped HID’s. I got them just after the bulk buy so Sinclairs only did the fitting.

Being a tight northener i went to investigate some off road lamps, only ones i could get were ring 130w! the wiring is already fused at 10amp therefore good to 120w, but theyve held. All i did was adjust my beams myself but did make the drivers side ‘flat’ as you would if you were going abroad, thus allowing me to raise it slightly without the normal anlged bit annoying the drivers in front. Work a treat and only cost �18.

Que the pesky translation…


the wiring is already fused at 10amp therefore good to 120w, but theyve held.

what about the wiring itself - are you sure that’s rated to take the ampage?

Well im an electrician so have a bit of a clue, if its fused at 10amp then the wiring will be good for it, the actual physical size seems fine when i looked at it.

Well im an electrician so have a bit of a clue

hopefully more than a bit


However they seem to interfere with my radio, the reception drops considerably when the HID’s are switched on, anybody got any ideas to what could be causing this or had similar experiences to this

They operate on a principle similar to flourescent tube lights, in that a ballast is required to strike and maintain an arc across a gas. This process produces an amount of unintentional radio frequency energy. If poorly managed (ie. unsuppressed) will interfere with the already flaky reception in the Elise.

Could try fitting ferrite cores to the HID feeder cables or ballast unit. These are pennies from places like RS Components. This will suppress the rf energy radiated from them by a good few dB…