Well its final, I am a Lotus Convert!!!!

Brook Kensington have an interesting alternative location for gauges. See here
Near the bottom of the page.

Here’s a picture of one fitted (not my car!)

Was it the Escort that the guy broke his back in?! I interviewed his sister recently, who said he was planning to do it again this year!?!!


Thats was me, where did you meet my sister mate?

We can’t do it this year unfortunately as its sold out and my back just wouldn’t be upto it… but we will be back the year after!

Sean actually did most of the Gumball Rally as well and did ALL the parties!

After Martin dumped the clutch outside the hotel showing off to the crowds we broke another gearbox and so Sean jumped in a Van, whipped the Quaife out of my car and charged over to Paris! and we had it changed in time for the start of the Rally Sean then came followed the route in a hired Diesel people carrier and somehow managed to beat us to every single checkpoint!!! We had a 600bhp Escort and a Tuned R33 GTR Skyline so he did take the piss out of us a little bit as you can imagine

Was a great event, being side by side with an Enzo at 190mph in a little Escort was my highlight

I’m sure Sean will be doing the Gumball with us next time as well

Me and Martin are both coming to Croft so will be good to meet some of you guys

Here is the last ever piccy I took of the Escort. an hour later we had the crash…



Thats was me, where did you meet my sister mate?

I interviewed her (which I won’t say any more about in case her current boss is a closet Lotus fan). She’ll remember me, we talked Exiges, Mini Coopers and about collecting the bits that were left of her brother from Morroco (I think you gave her a bit of a scary! ).

See you at Croft.



your posting gives me holy $�$**%&K* goose bumps… i’m seriously glad you are okay and i saw some of the crash related footage (incl your car) on telly recently… not nice…

even tho you got some serious injuries… looking at the car I guess you are pretty thankful now…

be good to meet you at Croft

[quote=SeanB]May I introduce Porkie. A very good friend of mine and owner of a 605BHP 3 door Sierra Cosworth track car. I am trying to convert him!!!


Well 6 whole years later…

and you have finally managed it!

LOVE my Lotus. Thanks alot Sean :slight_smile:

and massive thanks to John and Wayne for looking after it so well already

How weird… finally you get me into an Exige and at the first trackday we do together and you are back in a heavy old 4x4 road car!

happy to help mate :slight_smile:


That was your white exige on the ramps I saw Wayne using the plastic mallet on. :cry: :wink:

Hey Porkie, welcome mate. :sunglasses:

I guess it had to be White or nothing right :wink:

Yeah he went for gay homo White, so right up your street Jonny!!!

605BHP 3 door! I like the sound of that! Very :sunglasses:

It was shocking to be honest mate. Fast in a straight line, but broke down at every corner!