Well its final, I am a Lotus Convert!!!!

4: A very small bit of low speed under steer. Hopefully my new suspension will sort that.

Lots of new Exige drivers complain about this. Whilst true that new adjustable dampers will allow you to dial it out you may want to try driving it a bit more like a go kart, going in a bit quicker.

3-ways are sexy but aren’t they gonna take faff load of setting up?


Cheers Ian, I’ll give the retaining spring a tweek before Donnington on Sunday.

Yeah I guess the three ways will take a bit more setting up, but I am getting Plans to do that for me. I fancied them as I thought I might learn something as I never really messed with the individual bump and rebound on my Escort.

Yes Martin did have the Repsol coloured Escort Cosworth at Anglesea. I was the bloke with him on that day and yes the Quaife big tooth box in it was fine till Mark Hales had a go and thought it was a dog box and blew it to bits!!! I tell ya, Anglesea to Birmingham on the back of an AA truck is a long way!!!

Martins Escort came to a sticky end in Morocco on last years Gumball 3000. He actually had Porkie in the car with him, when they left the road at over 140MPH, totally destroying the car. He is currently building a new one.


Yes Martin did have the Repsol coloured Escort Cosworth at Anglesea. I was the bloke with him on that day and yes the Quaife big tooth box in it was fine till Mark Hales had a go and thought it was a dog box and blew it to bits!!!

I was there with RussT for day one - we drove down in my Yaris that day, but I can’t remember why neither us drove our Exiges to Anglesey!

Martins Escort came to a sticky end in Morocco on last years Gumball 3000. He actually had Porkie in the car with him, when they left the road at over 140MPH, totally destroying the car. He is currently building a new one.


It was THAT Escort then (Reyland)

Was it the Escort that the guy broke his back in?! I interviewed his sister recently, who said he was planning to do it again this year!?!!


I have always been a fan of fuel pressure gauges, as it only takes a dicky or blocked pump to melt your engine.

For everyone else out there who has raised the base line presure above 3 bar, it may be worth getting a gauge rigged up and seeing how you are getting on.

You have a point there. I will look into doing this.
Possibly with a very simple setup, electrical gauges.
Which ones did you use?

“I also ditched the Air Con and fitted a remote thermostat. I also fitted a couple of SPA gauges to moniter oil temp and pressure and fuel pressure and volts.”

Mmmm I suspect the gauge was reading the fuel pressure

And I suspect the gauges were made by SPA

Bloody Hell!

I have to start taking my vitamins…

LOL, yeah I am a fan of SPA gauges, and they were dead easy to fit. The oil pressure sender I screwed into the hole where the original low oil pressure light sender goes. I then wired the SPA’s external alarm wire into the original low oil pressure light on the dash, oil temp went into an Elise parts modded sump plug, volts just happens when you wire it in to a live feed and I made a little take off just after the fuel filter for the fuel pressure. I mounted the gauges in an elise parts pod, which after a bit of fettling looks like it grew there where the radio once lived.


What pressure gauge did you fit? I’ve bben after oil pressure for a while now and reading around it’s looked like a lot of sodding around tapping into oil lines and such like…

Fuel pressure is a new one on me however


I think it was an SPA one …


I think it was an SPA one …

rolls eyes

That was the gauge silly I mean the sender!

:stuck_out_tongue: rolls eyes

That was the gauge silly I mean the sender!


LOL, yeah I am a fan of SPA gauges, and they were dead easy to fit. The oil pressure sender I screwed into the hole where the original low oil pressure light sender goes. I then wired the SPA’s external alarm wire into the original low oil pressure light on the dash, oil temp went into an Elise parts modded sump plug, volts just happens when you wire it in to a live feed and I made a little take off just after the fuel filter for the fuel pressure. I mounted the gauges in an elise parts pod, which after a bit of fettling looks like it grew there where the radio once lived.

All there.
Pretty expensive though. Both gauges (with everything you need included) would be around 500 quid…

Ah cool…

Yet, eep on the price!!!

Hi, yes used the SPA gauge and senders. However the price is a little off. I have quite a good relationship with SPA and could supply the Oil temp / oil pressure gauge with all wiring and senders delivered for �140.00. I could also supply the Fuel pressure / volts gauge for the same price.

The Elise parts sump plug is �14 + delivery and the twin gauge pod is �53 + delivery.

So the same setup that I have fitted would cost around �350.

As I have mentioned fitting is easy, if a litle time consuming and awkward. The oil temp sender is esy with the revised sump plug (although I did have to run a tap down the sump plug to match the thread with the spa sender. The oil temp sender screws straight in where the 90 degree fitting that holds the current oil light sender goes. The fuel pressure will require a bit of an adapter. I replaced the whole thing with a nice braided line with a remote take off with the sender in the end.

I can put some pictures up of the senders in place and the gauges inside the car if anyone is interested???


I’m interested, would love to see the pictures. I’m sure others would like to see them as well, why don’t you post them over?

I wouldn’t go for the Eliseparts pod since I still have the stereo ( need it, drive very long distances). Would think of putting them actually on the roof, on the foam-ish thing between the windscreen and the roof. Being tall, it’s one place I always see.

The other thing would the drilling the sump, I suppose you have to take it off to avoid any swarf from going into the oil.
Or, re-reading your post you mean you drilled and tapped the drain plug itself?

Pics would be excellent to clarify.

Yes Elise parts supply a drain plug that is already drilled and tapped. However the thread is slightly different to that of the SPA temp sender, so I simply ran a tap up the Eliseparts drain plug and bobs your uncle.

I have had no leaks or anything so all is well.

I will dig my digi cam out and take a few pictures later today or tomorrow.


excellent instructions Sean… it’d b enice to see the pics when you get em…

what kind of guages are they ??

excellent instructions Sean… it’d b enice to see the pics when you get em…

what kind of guages are they ??

Hard to gauge whether a bit of sarcasm is creeping into this thread

Hard to > gauge > whether a bit of sarcasm is creeping into this thread

Nah, they’re just sparring, in typical male fashion!