We need name tags

Yep, you read that right.

I knew @Fonzey as I have spoken to him loads.

I spotted @6970K by number plate but not a clue what you look like to say hello.

Same with a few others out there.

Next meeting nametags will be mandatory

Until we have a meet up…

I printed t-shirts with my name and forum name, which I wear to all Lotus meets.

It was particularly useful at Lotus in the Peak last year.

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Illl see if I can get a quote for customised tee shirts!

Great idea :slight_smile: i would buy one

Where’s the meet going to be, I fancy The Motorist?

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Name a date / location and we can work around you.

I don’t :smile::stuck_out_tongue:

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2014 . . . Look older and greyer now.