Wanted yoko or toyo rear tyres

looking for either these two tyres 225/45/17 as brand new as possible as my set of back are getting to the 1000 miles marker, cheers

pm me or my number is 07971 646 322

If it helps, Camskill have current stock. Order’d one from them yesterday, expecting it tomorow. R888, 225/45/17 Medium compoind.


how much they set you back?

SELOC have just set up a very good members deal on tyres through Camskill + Racetyres:-


Yokohamam Advan 048R M compound (not LTS)

195/50x15 = �107.83 each
225/45x16 = �133.90 each
195/50x16 = �125.97 each
225/45x16 = �133.90 each
225/45x17 = �150.59 each

The deal is available now from http://www.racetyres.com/


20% off list for Toyo R888 & R1R
12% off Yokohama 048, 032 & 021 (NB: These are not LTS fitment. For LTS, please refer to our other Lotus specialist suppliers.)
10% off Hankook RS2

Free delivery included.

has anyone got the discount code, and can you use not lts tyre on the back will it still fit