Wanted - Spot lamp

Front spot lamp(s) wanted, or best/cheapest place to get them.


I have took mine off matey and to be honest can’t see them ever going back on. How does �20 + P&P sound?


Good man, thanks!

Spookily enough at almost exactly the time you sent that I was lying in bed remembering you’d taken them off and was going to contact you - Wooooooo

I’ll PM you.


lying in bed remembering you’d taken them off and was going to contact you - Wooooooo

Surely this kind of intimate material should be in a PM Ian

If anybody else wants some, I think mine are stored somewhere !!


How much do you want for them ?


Con McL.

I’ll kindly take them off your hands for �20 + postage

Let me see if I can find them in the jungle that used to be a garage, and I’ll post them up separately!!

[quoteSurely this kind of intimate material should be in a PM Ian [/quote]