Wanted S2 Exige car cover

Long shot, but instead of my paying the �250 for a new one from lotus, has any one got a used one for the s2 exige. I want the lotus one really as it fits right.


Weird I only paid �100 new for my extrnal Lotus one from Castle Lotus

yer the inside one is a really snug fit, like skin tight and is a rip off. what’s is your external on like, is it for a S2?

any pics please?

Thanks mate

Sorry no pics I only use it in the winter, it does seem a good fit and keeps the weather out, it isn’t lined tho but I only put the car in when it’s clean and dry

Nath, mine’s not for sale but I can send you some pics when I get home from work if you like. It’s the Specialised one from this place http://www.carcoversuk.com/

You can get a 15% discount through a guy on SELOC too.