Wanted, S1 steering rack and/or ARB

Hi All
Long shot but has anyone got an S1 Exige steering rack (don’t mind if I need to send it to Titan to be refurbed - at least then I can keep the car on the road) I’m also looking for a front ARB would consider uprated one but would prefer original S1 Exige spec.

I’ve got one, pm me if you are interested. Only pb is postage costs as I am in south of France… It is from an original S1 Exige and has done about 30 000 miles.

Pm sent

I have an original ARB if you are still interested…

ARB now sorted, thanks to DaveP :slight_smile:


[quote=AlskiH]ARB now sorted, thanks to DaveP :slight_smile:


He bends steel rods in his spare time, just for fun! :wink:

Enough about my steel rod please Mr Pesky :wink:

Hopefully Dave’s steel rod will be better than mine!! :wink:

He’s a bender!

My rod is only bent for extra pleasure :wink: