Wanted S1 std suspension adjutser

Been meaning to try and get one for ages and would like to have a play at Anglesey in a couple of weeks.
Can’t find them on the usual websites - anyone have a clue where I can get an adjuster spanner for a std S1 suspension set from???


Are you just trying to adjust the ride height front and rear?

Yes. Not done it before.


If they’re like all the other S1 LSS I’ve seen you’ll need an electric drill and a pair of Stilsons to adjust them, rather than a C Spanner. :wink:


Yeah, all the ones I have seen have been rusted solid. Are you still on the original dampers??

Yeah still the originals, Sean.

Wow, you must win a prize for having the oldest suspension in town!! :wink:

Me, too. Working well (Well, well enough for me, if you see what I mean).
Mark, you show me yours and I’ll show you mine!

Haha, cool man.

[quote=MarkPH]Been meaning to try and get one for ages and would like to have a play at Anglesey in a couple of weeks.
Can’t find them on the usual websites - anyone have a clue where I can get an adjuster spanner for a std S1 suspension set from???

Mark [/quote]

Can you change the ride height without buggering up the Geo? I have the Ohlins set up & any ride height changes need a fresh Geo :confused:

How come?

OK - just trying to think this through and if the company did not adjust them prior to re-fitting then something else must be wrong to end up with a 30mm difference. If they did adjust them then the good news is that they should not be rusted up. :slight_smile:

If they have made a genuine mistake, have you thought about letting them have an opportunity to put it right? I know 150 miles is quite a distance but for such a cock up they may be able to offer a free corner weighting so something?

Sorry to hear that,Graham.I’ve got two pieces of copper pipe cut to the correct ride heights for front and back.I’ll pop round with them if you like.