WANTED _ S1 silenced cat replacment pipe

hi folks,

i am desperately looking for a silenced cat replacment pipe. With a fast approaching noise police track day I am hoping one of you guys has one gathering dust on the garage shelf??? My very noisy janspeed sounds divine but it easily exceeds the noise limits…

Could it be that there is one out there…



Send Martin an email www.lotuspower.co.uk

roger that, thanks Pesky.

Mitch, pm sent.

The question of whether someone has one surplus to requirement still stands…

The question of whether someone has one surplus to requirement still stands…

Unlikely, I fear, but fingers crossed

What are you looking for Mitch i have a sports cat or a full cat (and a de cat come to that) as well as a full stainless system for sale.

Send me a PM if any of these will be of help.

Bloody hell, you should rename yourself quick fit with that lot to sell.

i have silenced decat i dont need as the Audi’s are not loud enough

thanks to Pesky for crossing his magic fingers, and to Chris who now has a PM.