As title says, im looking for an s1 exige 190, or honda power. below 30k on the clock. Please get in contact if anyone has a nice one for sale.
As title says, im looking for an s1 exige 190, or honda power. below 30k on the clock. Please get in contact if anyone has a nice one for sale.
that one looks perfect apart from im from bucks and that car has to be a good 12 hour round trip away
Oh you big woose � I mean, a couple years back we went up to Cumbria to buy a car for my mum, last year, we went to Preston to buy a mere Ford Ka; 12 hours � pah, people have no staying power these days
Seriously, if it�s �perfect� for you the fact that it�s in Scotland shouldn�t hold you back…
PS. Welcome to the forum
you are right… im being a tart arent i! I think i need to make a few phone calls!
Thanks for the welcome
LOL - and only an hour away too!
Much prefer this one - cough ehmmm
Used cars for sale - PistonHeads UK
just spoke to you on the phone! Looking forward to seing it…
I have a Laser Blue S1 Honda S/C Exige for sale on Pistonheads if anyone is interested
Not sure how to link advert though
cheers, Keith.
Hi Keith,
Here’s your car:-
I’ll be selling my S1 Exige in a couple of weeks. Just going into Steve Williams next week for it’s yearly service before I put it up for sale