WANTED S1 exige side grills

hi all!

I need exige S1 grills bolted behind front wheelarch on OEM clam…
anyone have a couple?


[quote=prd]hi all!

I need egige S1 grills bolted behind front wheelarch on OEM clam…
anyone have a couple?

marco [/quote]

Hi Marco!

I am sure someone will have these grills for an EGIGE!!! :crazy:

sorry …little mistake…

Only joking!!!

Howver you spell ESIJE, it is an amazing car!!! :slight_smile:

no one?

If you mean the dummy grille inserts I think you will be waiting a long time for those to come up …
Maybe find the right sort of aluminium mesh and make a pair - thats what we did for the orange car

As Andy says - as rare as hen’s teeth (as are most “original” S1 body/trim parts).

Agreed, you are never gonna get those come up 2nd hand.

I bought them new. Next time I will make them myself, it is not rocket science to do that :slight_smile:

thanks guys!
yes, is not very difficult to make them from an alluminium grille, and new in italy are too expensive! � 60 each!!!
should I make a mask and hammering the grill on it …but I would rather find them used


See the Air intake grills post in the S2 section