Wanted - S1 Exige CR Gearbox or UCR 4th Gear!

My UCR upgraded box has decided to strip 3 teeth from the 4th gear drive!!! Fortunately no other damage, but I am therefore looking for either a new UCR 4th gear (pretty rare) or a replacement std Exige CR Box …

Go on … go for that 6 speed Honda and I’ll buy your PG1 box!

I guess that’s good news after all then ! It could have been much worse…

Good news apart from the fact the fact that the 340R UCR gear upgrade is now obsolete and Lotus cannot supply a new 4th gear … However, the kit was actually made by Quaife and they are ‘seeing what they can do’ to source a new 4th gear set.

Surely someone must have an unwanted CR box just waiting to be sold?

If not, I may have to go the Honda route myself!

Best of luck, let me know how you get on.

I have a C/R gearbox but not UCR

Junks, you have PM.