Wanted - Rear bulkhead finisher-

Anyone ?

There’s a guy in Cumbria who makes replica ones Andy.

I have some genuine ones but they have been trimmed in a couple of places to avoid fouling on the supercharger.


I always wonder if anyone will make those panel in carbon fibre, will looks great i think in the engine bay

Hi, i would like to find the parts 2and 3!

Hi Dan could you give me the contact of the person In cumbria for the panel engine parts?

For information i would be to find a engine vhpd for my exige s1!!
Thank arno

Hi Andy / Arno,

I also need a set so if we find the chap in Cumbria maybe he’d be interested in doing a batch?

Would be great.


OK that would be good - maybe he has some carbon he can use :wink:

Dan ??

Hi Andy
Dan was for : Roadboy !
Andy if you find Carbon panels engine Would you like Send me your original panel ?

I have a friend who could work on carbon and redo these parts.
If There are 2 complete sets might be interested .
How would sell a complete set carbon (3 parts ) .
that he should make a mold of the original. if you are ok I can talk to him.

I would be interested in these in carbon.

Those panels in carbon i would also be interested :slight_smile:

These are S1 panels Mark.

Scrap that then, if they were for an S2, I would be in.

I would be interested in a price too.

You hiding a Series 1?

Arno, I’m in Australia so sending panels like this is not really an option.
I have a contact in South China who will copy or work from 3D Cad and could supply a Carbon one.
All I need now is find someone to scan the part.
Anyhow, still looking for an original …

Does someone need to borrow a set?

Jonny - If we could find someone to scan them it would be perfect - I will ask a contact down in Portsmouth who does F1 work.

not far from me then, shame i dont have a set to give him.

Let me know Andy

Andy - I have set locally to you, if your able to scan?!
