I’m looking for a full assembly of the idle air control valve (IAC valve) for my newly acquired Exige S1. The valve has been removed by one of the previous owner which was running the car mainly on track.
I’m returning it back to road spec and would like to re-add the valve for a better idle.
The expensive part from Lotus is the Iacv itself. I had a secondhand one, which did not work, but on which I could read the part number. It is a Bosch part and I think normally is used on a Saab. They are available new on ebay for about £30. I have put the broken one in the bin so cannot get you the part number without taking my car to bits, maybe someone else can get you the part number? I do have parts 12, 13 and 15 but you can use any suitable hose.
The part number of the Bosch IAC valve is 0280140516 and they are used on some other cars too. So it shouldn’t be a probelm to get one from ebay & co.
Since I’d like to return the car to it’s original state I’m interested in your hoses and the T-joint. Would you ship them to Germany?
Not a problem. Pm me with what you think they are worth. £ is pretty weak against th euro these days.
Sorry, but I’m not able to send PMs (due to ‘newly registered user’?). I’m offering 20 GBP plus Shipping. Could you send me a PM giving me an e-mail address to reply to?
Try James at South West Lotus centre, I’ve just bought those exact parts (tpiece and hoses) off him, according to the website he still has stock http://www.thelotuscentreonline.co.uk/epages/sdctukef2v6v.mobile/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/sdctukef2v6v/Categories/340R/Engine
Thanks for the hint. I’ve contacted the guys at South West Lotus Centre.