Hi All,
Dose anyone have any new Exige S1 air con compressor pipes for sale or have any contacts that have. Mine have both suffered catastrophic erosion of the sealing face on the coupling ends.
I’m looking for both discharge and suction pipes which I believe have part numbers B111P0305F and A111P0306F respectively.
You may be disappointed even if you get some as I have never been able to get my S1 aircon to work and I’m not alone. The pump and cooling all works in my car and nice cold (ice forms in the evaporator pipes) fluid goes into the heater but I get a hardly noticeable change in temperature in the air going into the car. All pipes etc appear to be correct. I’m think it’s just very inefficient.
I would not spend a lot of money on the pipes to find they don’t work.
However, the dash vents and controls in a car with aircon are much better than a normal Elise/Exige, so it’s worth having.
Have you tried ringing Bell & Colvill? They acquired DeRoure a while back but just thinking you might get to speak to a human if you ring the dealership