Wannabe Exige Owner...........

Hello, hopefully this is the year that I finally get to buy my dream Exige (preferably a black S1, but who knows what I’ll end up going for!). Anyway, although I’ve been after an Exige for years, I’ve never actually had the chance to get a ride out in one! Therefore it wold be great if someone from North Yorkshire (York area) or Surrey (Dunsfold area) would be willing to give me a run out in their S1 or S2 (even if it’s just as a passenger) and also give me some much needed advice on buying & ownership etc. I’m not quite in a position to make a purchase just yet, but if the right one comes up for sale I may well be tempted! Looking forward to you’re responses. Cheers, Kevin

Welcome and happy hunting :thumbup:

Do plenty of reading through the threads on here.

Hello, and welcome.

Why not give a dealer a ring, youll get to test drive yourself. Sitting in the pax seat isnt going to tell you a lot in regards to which you should buy.

Good stuff, welcome :wave:

Welcome to exiges.com

Good luck with your search and if you are in Cumbria anytime I will take you for a run out in my S1.

EFA :mrgreen:

And these are required if you have had a cold in the last 2 weeks (the mask not the bint) :wink:

Cheers for the replies everyone. I might be over in Cumbria with the kids in the summer (camping in a muddy field!), would be great to have a ride out in your S1 :slight_smile: Anyway, I’ve just got back home after a trip to Bell & Colvill, it’s going to be a tough decision after sitting in an S3 (very nice indeed). Think it’s time to get my finances in order, do some more research and sort some test drives…

Having test driven an S3, I found myself wanting something more raw, something that you felt immersed in rather than just a competently fast car.
I then decided the cup was for me, but that didn’t seem raw enough either, so ended up with an S1 with an Audi lump.
If you want refined & capable - S3
If you want your adrenaline and bpm to go up every time you drive the thing - S1