
I’m in France and I looking for buy an exige s1 but I think the car it’s a fake.
Who can give me more info if I provide the VIN ??


13th digit of the VIN should be an 8, if it’s a 3 then it’s an elise

Look that and say me why do you think of that

So that should be a 2000 LHD exige

Whats with that sticker, check the VIN is cut into the chassis behind (can’t remember which) front wheel

I’m afraid when I look “prototype” … . :unamused: :unamused: :question: :question:

The question is : it’s really a prototype ?? it’s possible ??
The car is scandal green, for a prototype it’s really strange

Another thing is weird, it’s the ventilation are strange

I’d be more worried about the VOID showing up where it’s clear the sticker has been moved

Do you have any history on the car at all, where did you buy it from? Can you trace other owners…

At the moment I have not buy I search info !
The car is in italy

Ask Lotus… don’t know the chaps name but he looks after the archives etc
Someone will be along to help im sure

I have found that :

07/8- ItalyPrototype/1146 New Aluminium/white-RHD

Yes Lotus is only way to found the true info :clap:

you can see the car here :

You beat me to it :unamused:

Certificate of Provenance
We are pleased to offer the Certificate of Provenance service to Lotus car owners. The certificate and covering letter detail how the car left Lotus and are available for all models from the 1957 Lotus Seven onwards.

The certificate will include (depending upon information available) the full VIN, model and variant, the original engine and gearbox serial numbers, body and trim colours, options, build date and the original dealer/distributor dispatched to. These are priced from £36-£48 including postage depending upon information available.

Where information is available, for £72 including postage, you can receive the certificate service as above but also include where your car comes in the build sequence for that market and model and how many others there were in the same colour/trim combination. Please contact Andy Graham in Lotus Archives at [email protected] or telephone +44 1603 732178.

Where did that info come from?

There is someone that has copied the original list from here and put it on there own website and tried to pass it off as there own work, bit naughty really - but they’ve got some of the info all mixed up.

Chassis Number 1180 was the original LHD Prototype car and when out of the factory it was New Aluminium. Someone has clearly repainted it, but I’d want to see why the void is showing. It could just be the flash from the camera, and the B39 sticker someone has just put over the top but its definatley not an original lotus paint job.

Chassis Number 1146 is the RHD Prototype and is still on the road, i’m fairly certain the owner is on here, he’s definatley on seloc.

Excellent work as always, fancy naming and shaming the website :mrgreen:

The title card of car :