VHPD - Bits for sale

After a bit of a lunching my VHPD is now in bits so there are various parts that I’d be happy to take bids on.

Its a scholar EVO 1900cc conversion so pistons, liners and the block (as far as I understand) won’t be suitable transplants to a standard VHPD. The head won’t be much use to anyone and one piston and liner are also dead, but most other things will be usable. Not an exhaustive list at the moment, but more will follow.

Emerald ECU & ancillaries SOLD
Throttle bodies SOLD
Carbon airbox and intake hose SOLD
CR Gearbox SOLD
AP Racing clutch (<3k miles, no track use yet)
Alternator (with <1 days use)

Bits are currently at specialist in M25 area, but I don’t currently have photos… U2U me for any more info - or if you have a query aboout any particular parts.

Oh and for big bits…i.e. gearbox etc, its most definitely buyer collects - I don’t fancy traipsing down t’post office with a cylinder block ta!

Do you have any details on the close ratio box, and how much you might want for it? My gearbox has gone down hill since it was ‘re-built’ recently.

Clive - Exige oem gearbox is “close ratio” (in Lotus parlance), but they did also offer an “Ultra Close” aftermarket version (not good on the motorway :wink: )

Clive… you have PM