Various items for sale

jump lead, a rope and a bucket - �offers


How about a px…A broken Sky+ remote! BTW is it a red or black jumpo lead as I’m missing the black and have a sponge without a home !

Swap ya for a Lotus 190 ECU

Swap ya for a Lotus 190 ECU

I’ll raise you a JRSC for one with no green pen

Swap ya for a Lotus 190 ECU

I’ll swap it for a Honda drive shaft…broken of course

Tights gits … are those yer best offers. I’d be better off waiting for someone to nick the items out me shed and claim on the insurance

Tights gits … are those yer best offers. I’d be better off waiting for someone to nick the items out me shed and claim on the insurance

You need the bucket to clean those wheels

You need the bucket to clean those wheels

How very, very true. PMSL

You need the bucket to clean those wheels

How very, very true. PMSL

Ha ha…

Funny you should say that but someone actually bought me a bucket for Xmas last year - black one that they had put some stripes on with white insulating tape It was used for exactly that purpose but someone nicked it from my drive I thought about calling the local paper but decided against it